I've got an article that just came out! It's early view ahead of inclusion in the next issue. #medieval #iberia https://doi.org/10.1080/17546559.2023.2236598
Land Surface Temperature (note: Soil temps not Air) temperatures in Spain exceeded 60°C in Extremadura according to Copernicus Sentinel 3 satellite measurements.
Hopefully my fellow fediversers from Spain are safe from these temperatures.
#heatwave #IberianPeninsula #Iberia #Spain #climatechange
「中世地中海世界の捕囚〔および主にそれに起因する奴隷状態=引用者補足〕をめぐる研究を,イベリア半島の研究動向を中心に整理・紹介」する。スペイン語を筆頭に欧文文献が多いが一部日本語(翻訳含む)のものも紹介されており、近世以降の#奴隷制 を考える補助線も視野に入れた、コンパクトで有意義な論考。
Dolores Castro, Fernando Ruchesi (eds), "Leadership, Social Cohesion, and Identity in Late Antique #Spain and #Gaul (500-700)", Amsterdam UP, 2023
Table of contents:
Introduction (Dolores Castro and Fernando Ruchesi)
Building Leadership, Forging Cohesion. Bishops and Charity in Late Antiquity (Dolores Castro)
The Logic of Control: Postulating a Visigothic Ontology of Human Being (Michael J. Kelly)
Ritual Communities and Social Cohesion in Merovingian Gaul (Alexander O’Hara)
Constructing New Leaders: Bishops in Visigothic #Hispania Tarraconensis (fifth to seventh centuries) (Meritxell Pérez Martínez)
Coexisting Leaderships in the Visigothic Cities: A ‘Coopetitive’ Model (Pablo Poveda Arias)
Leadership and Social Cohesion in Merovingian Gaul and Visigothic Spain. The Case of Military Groups (Fernando Ruchesi)
Between Rome and Toulouse. The Catholic Episcopate in the regnum Tolosanum (418-507) (Christian Stadermann) .
#sPAIN #gaul #hispania #Iberia #visigoths
Delivered today 😃
"Writing History in Late Antique #Iberia: #Historiography in Theory and Practice from the 4th to the 7th Century"
#Iberia #Historiography #Orosius #IsidorusHispalensis
García-Arenal, Mercedes and Wiegers, Gerard.
The Iberian Qur’an: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times
Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.
"... From the mid-twelfth century to at least the end of the seventeenth, the efforts undertaken by Christian scholars and churchmen, by converts, by Muslims (both Mudejars and Moriscos) to transmit, interpret and translate the Holy Book are of the utmost importance for the understanding of Islam in Europe." (from the publisher's web-page)
a quick #introduction I am an anthropologist interested in religion and politics in #Iberia and the #MidEast, teaching courses related to #anthropologyofmedia
#introduction #Iberia #MidEast #anthropologyofmedia
Fellow pachyderms and hcommoners: If you work on the #LiteraturesandCultures of #Iberia, if you have identified as a #hispanist at some point, or if you work on #LatinAmerica, please have a look at the list of those who have enrolled themselves on the #LitStudies Google doc (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/172wtP1Upmv-uUoIAqgTFwP2-_cPdM0Egz5xkTGBbjZU/htmlview). I think you'll find that there are very few of us that work in #Iberoamerican topics related to Literature and Culture. We should have a larger presence on hcommons.social, in my humble opinion. Please help me recruit some #Iberianist and #LatinAmericanist colleagues to hcommons.social or to another Mastodon-linked server of their choice.
#LatinAmericanist #Iberianist #Iberoamerican #litstudies #latinamerica #hispanist #Iberia #literaturesandcultures
Images in the Borderlands
The Mediterranean between Christian and Muslim Worlds in the Early Modern Period
Ivana Čapeta Rakić, Giuseppe Capriotti (eds)
#Iberia #earlymoderniberia #mediterranean #openacces
#Introduction. I am a professor and scholar of #earlymodern #Iberia whose research also includes topics intrinsically related to #ColonialLatinAmerica. Most recent publication "Time of Catastrophe: Temporalities in the #Transatlantic Relación of Diego Portichuelo de Ribadeneyra" appeared in the Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Current research focus: early modern #Navigation and the #Sea. Mom, #MomsDemand member, #ClimateChange warrior.
#Introduction #ClimateChange #momsdemand #sea #navigation #transatlantic #coloniallatinamerica #Iberia #earlymodern
Spain may reopen tourism by end of summer 2021
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #EU #COVID19 #Malaga
#malaga #COVID19 #EU #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain
Spain: Valencia's dining establishments to close for 14 days
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #EU #COVID19 #Valencia
#valencia #COVID19 #EU #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain
Spain launches new plan to support tourism sector
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #EU #COVID19 #Alicante
#alicante #COVID19 #EU #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain
Spain: New measures to prevent third Covid-19 wave in Andalusia
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #UK #COVID19 #Andalucia #Andalusia
#andalusia #Andalucia #COVID19 #UK #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain
Spain: New economy road map to get EU funds
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #UK #COVID19 #EU
#EU #COVID19 #UK #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain
Spain: Third wave of Spanish coronavirus infection continues to accelerate
#spain #madrid #barcelona #iberia #UK #COVID19 #filomena
#filomena #COVID19 #UK #Iberia #barcelona #Madrid #spain