Where have orcas interacted with boats on the Iberian Peninsula? The site https://www.orcas.pt/ shows you.
The orcas.pt portal was created to help inform those who want to venture to the Portuguese and Spanish coasts. 🐬
#boats #coast #IberianPeninsula #orcas #spain #portugal
Where have orcas interacted with boats on the Iberian Peninsula? The site https://www.orcas.pt/ shows you.
The orcas.pt portal was created to help inform those who want to venture to the Portuguese and Spanish coasts.
#boats #coast #IberianPeninsula #orcas #spain #portugal
Land Surface Temperature (note: Soil temps not Air) temperatures in Spain exceeded 60°C in Extremadura according to Copernicus Sentinel 3 satellite measurements.
Hopefully my fellow fediversers from Spain are safe from these temperatures.
#heatwave #IberianPeninsula #Iberia #Spain #climatechange
📖 Maria de Fátima Nunes, Elisabete Pereira, Quintino Lopes e Ângela Salgueiro assinam um dos capítulos do livro "La Universidad Central durante la Segunda República", no qual abordam a história das universidades portuguesas na década de 1930 e o seu paralelismo com a história universitária espanhola. 🇵🇹 🇪🇸
🔓 O livro encontra-se disponível em #AcessoAberto :
#histodons #HistoryOfScience #Universities #IberianPeninsula #InstitutionalHistory #Portugal #Spain
#acessoaberto #histodons #historyofscience #universities #IberianPeninsula #institutionalhistory #portugal #spain
📘 Hot off the presses and new at your bookstore, the new book co-edited by Cristina Joanaz de Melo (with Koldo Trapaga Monchet and Álvaro Aragón-Ruano): "Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires", aiming to clarify the roots of sustainability in the Iberian Peninsula that lie in the interrelations between #shipbuilding and #forestry.
👉 Publisher’s page: https://bit.ly/3WEs79X
#histodons #EnvHist #EnvironmentalHistory #IberianPeninsula #HitóriaAmbiental
#shipbuilding #forestry #histodons #envhist #environmentalhistory #IberianPeninsula #hitoriaambiental
RT @PlatformAdam
Insane #Heatwave for April in #Spain, #Portugal and #Morocco.
While the air temperature broke historic records in #BenGuerir, #Cordoba and #Mora, the #Copernicus #Sentinel3 map on April 28 shows LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE over 50° in S. #IberianPeninsula and N. #Africa. #climate
#climate #africa #IberianPeninsula #sentinel3 #copernicus #mora #Cordoba #benguerir #morocco #portugal #spain #heatwave
RECOTechnology is a small game-developer studio based in Madrid, Spain. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1140/interview-numantia---recreating-the-ancient-iberia/ #History #IberianPeninsula #Numantia #RomanWarfare
#romanwarfare #numantia #IberianPeninsula #History
No dia 25 de Janeiro, tem início o Seminário de História Comparada, promovido pelo grupo de investigação História Política Comparada do IHC.
Decorrerá na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, tendo como primeira convidada Maria Concepción Marcos del Olmo (Universidade de Valladolid).
#histodons #ContemporaryHistory #FirstRepublic #IberianPeninsula #historiography
#histodons #contemporaryhistory #firstrepublic #IberianPeninsula #historiography
O ano em imagens pela #AgênciaEspacialEuropeia.
Entre elas, entre tanta beleza, esta nossa jangada de pedra no mar imenso sob o luar pela astronauta #SamanthaCristoforetti desde a #EstaçãoEspacialInternacional.
#yearinimages #ESA #NASA #2022 #Earth #space #EEI #ISS #Portugal #España #Spain #peninsulaiberica #IberianPeninsula
#nasa #agenciaespacialeuropeia #samanthacristoforetti #estacaoespacialinternacional #yearinimages #esa #earth #space #eei #iss #portugal #espana #spain #peninsulaiberica #IberianPeninsula
Time to come out by your foot🌱🐌 'Caragol reineta' #mollusca #gastropoda #pseudotacheasplendida #malacology #IberianPeninsula #earthlings
#Earthlings #IberianPeninsula #malacology #pseudotacheasplendida #gastropoda #mollusca
Time to come out by your foot🌱🐌
'Caragol reineta' #mollusca #gastropoda #pseudotacheasplendida #malacology #IberianPeninsula #earthlings
#Earthlings #IberianPeninsula #malacology #pseudotacheasplendida #gastropoda #mollusca
With such a pair🥚🥚, this #isopod forages #underthesun☀️🥵 #arthropoda #porcellioornatus #crustacea #porcellionidae #IberianPeninsula #nature
#nature #IberianPeninsula #porcellionidae #crustacea #porcellioornatus #arthropoda #underthesun #isopod
With such a pair🥚🥚, this #isopod forages #underthesun☀️🥵 #arthropoda #porcellioornatus #crustacea #porcellionidae #IberianPeninsula #nature
#nature #IberianPeninsula #porcellionidae #crustacea #porcellioornatus #arthropoda #underthesun #isopod
It only took three days after a photoshopped map showing Listenbourg — a fictional country haphazardly tacked onto the Iberian peninsula — appeared on social media for the joke to take the world by storm.
“I’m sure Americans don’t even know the name of this country,” Twitter user Gaspardo said on 30 October, accompanying a map with a red arrow pointing at the slab of land liberally added to Spain and Portugal.
#Europe #IberianPeninsula #portugal #spain #listenbourg
RT @PlatformAdam: The first #Copernicus #Sentinel3 cloud free image of the #IberianPeninsula in July (9th) offers an impressive LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE on the eve of the second #summer's #heatwave. Soil temperature (not air!) rose above 60 degrees C in #Spain and #Portugal. #OlaDeCalor @WMO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1546009290514866177
#Copernicus #Sentinel3 #IberianPeninsula #Summer #heatwave #Spain #Portugal #OlaDeCalor
RT @PlatformAdam: Not only #heatwave in #IberianPeninsula!
The #Copernicus #Sentinel5p Aerosol Index of yesterday June 17th allows detecting #wildfires emissions on the North of #Spain and different plumes of #SaharanDust.
#Airquality #Calima #Incendiosforestales
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1538158974482235393
#heatwave #IberianPeninsula #Copernicus #Sentinel5P #wildfires #Spain #SaharanDust #AirQuality #Calima #Incendiosforestales
RT @peralt_laura: @EPPGroup @mgracacarvalho @delcastillop ask @KadriSimson on the #interconnections from #IberianPeninsula to EU. #MidCat to #pci list? 🤝🏔
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1521549223480676356
#interconnections #IberianPeninsula #MidCat #PCI
RT @peralt_laura: @EPPGroup @mgracacarvalho @delcastillop ask @KadriSimson on the #interconnections from #IberianPeninsula to EU. #MidCat to #pci list? 🤝🏔
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/delcastillop/status/1521521679394082816
#interconnections #IberianPeninsula #MidCat #PCI
> Almonds, like #olives, have special implications for the lives, emotions and health of the people of the #MiddleEast..the once rich Palestinian #Gaza almonds.. have Israeli groundwater abuse..pollution and chloride. It.. is in danger of #extinction. #Israel should think about the significance of almond cultivation and its harvest for Palestinians, and save #Palestinian #almonds, just as they once ate #marzipan with #Muslims on the #IberianPeninsula.
#palestine #IberianPeninsula #muslims #marzipan #almonds #palestinian #israel #extinction #gaza #middleeast #olives
Stating that the #impacts of #ClimateChange are inevitable, the European Environment Agency #EEA calls for a more ambitious #ClimateChangeAdaptation strategy of the #EuropeanUnion and #EU countries.
#Drought, #HeavyRain, #Flooding, #ForestFires and #SeaLevelRise could affect some selected regions in #Europe, including #CentralEurope, the #IberianPeninsula, #Scandinavia, #Brittany and #Venice. All of these impacts make #adaptation to the impacts of climate change crucial.
#impacts #climatechange #eea #climatechangeadaptation #europeanunion #eu #drought #HeavyRain #flooding #forestfires #sealevelrise #europe #centraleurope #IberianPeninsula #scandinavia #brittany #venice #adaptation