To all my #Colonial, #LatinAmericanist and #EarlyModernist #IberianStudies colleagues:
I’d like to call your attention to a group that may be of your interest. I created the @earlymodernmaritimestudies a few months ago with those of you whose work touches on the #Sea, on #PortCities, #CoastalAreas, #SlaveryArchive and related topics, in mind. our definition of "Early Modern" is expansive. If this group fits with your research program, please check us out and follow!
#colonial #LatinAmericanist #earlymodernist #IberianStudies #sea #PortCities #coastalareas #slaveryarchive #latinamericanstudies #earlymodernSpain
To all my #Colonial, #LatinAmericanist and #EarlyModernist #IberianStudies colleagues:
I’d like to call your attention to a group that may be of your interest. I created the @earlymodernmaritimestudies a couple of months ago with those of you whose work touches on the #Sea, on #PortCities, #CoastalAreas, etc., in mind. If this group fits with your research program, please check us out and follow!
#colonial #LatinAmericanist #earlymodernist #IberianStudies #sea #PortCities #coastalareas
Does anybody here know about alternatives to Oral Presentations in #disabilitystudies #iberianstudies ? I've been teaching upper-level (literature and culture) courses lately and I want to be able to test and argue for different possibilities. #ELE #SpanishAsForeignLanguage
¿Alguien de aquí de #estudiosdediscapacidad y de #ELE que pueda ayudarme con alternativas a las presentaciones en cursos de literatura y cultura? Es por estudiar opciones y saber argumentar qué funciona y qué no.
#disabilitystudies #IberianStudies #Ele #spanishasforeignlanguage #estudiosdediscapacidad
@earlymodernmaritimestudies, @litstudies, #IberianStudies
The Inner Sea: Maritime Literary Culture in Early Modern Portugal is the latest by Josiah Blackmore. Many of you will be familiar with his Manifest Perdition: Shipwreck Narrative and the Disruption of Empire. As I note in a blurb for the book, in The Inner Sea, “Blackmore documents a process of internalization of the sea in Portuguese daily life that is evident in many kinds of documents of the times, including literary texts. He asserts that ‘ships wield subject-forming power’ and he proceeds to show his reader how the multiple subjectivities formed in the effort to tame the sea flourish in the literary world of Luís Vaz de Camões and others. Blackmore provides excellent English translations for the Portuguese texts he cites, many of which are his own, and the figures that illustrate his book are splendid.” The Inner Sea was published by The University of Chicago Press in 2022.
Siguiendo con mis humildes incursiones en el universo de Alice Pestana, ya está disponible en el ppt de mi presentación en el congreso "Ibéricas":
"'Desgarrada' de Alice Pestana: una novela ibérica de una escritora ibérica"
#IberianStudies #estudiosibericos #estudosibericos #bookstodon #booktodon
#IberianStudies #estudiosibericos #estudosibericos #bookstodon #booktodon
Toca presentarse. Es posible que vaya hablando más de mi trabajo aquí, así que va a estar cargado aquí de #IberianStudies #EstidudiosPeninsularistas #queerstudies #disabilitystudies Estoy en Columbus, OH, haciendo mi doctorado en la Ohio State University. ABD, mi tesis analiza cómics autobiográficos para hablar de género y sexualidad, por un lado, junto a discapacidad, por otro. También tengo un cap que es un proyecto creativo autobiográfico para hablar de todo esto (gén/sex/discap).
#IberianStudies #estidudiospeninsularistas #queerstudies #disabilitystudies
Todavía no hay ningún toot con las etiquetas #EstudiosIbéricos #EstudosIbéricos #IberianStudies Las dejo por aquí, a ver si así por casualidad nos vamos encontrando...
#estudiosibericos #estudosibericos #IberianStudies
With thanks to @heidibackes1)
Now that even more people are joining, I'd like to again share my hope of connecting with people in:
If you're in these fields, please comment so we can start a thread of people to follow! (And please boost to keep this going!)
#IberianHistodons #IberianStudies #latinamericanstudies #spanish #peninsularstudies #sPAIN
I've now learned I should do an #introduction so:
I'm Alex Saum-Pascual. I am an associate professor at UC Berkeley, where I teach #digitalliterature (or #elit) and #contemporary #Spanish #literature and #Iberianstudies. I am mostly in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Berkeley Center for New Media #bcnm.
I am also a digital #poet, and my work engages #environmental and #feminist questions (surprise, so does my recent scholarship!).
And.... I am also from Spain, so I write in both English, Spanish and, most often, Spanglish.
#feminist #environmental #poet #bcnm #IberianStudies #literature #spanish #contemporary #elit #digitalliterature #introduction
Introduction. I am an Academy Professor in #IberianStudies at The Ohio State University. My field of specialization is #EarlyModern #Spain, however my research has intrinsic links to #ColonialLatinAmerica. First book _Myth and Identity in the Epic of Imperial Spain_ (U Missouri P). Current book project on early modern #Atlantic crossings and other #maritime themes. A recent publication titled "Time of Catastrophe: Temporalities in the Transatlantic Relación of Diego Portichuelo de Ribadeneyra" appeared in _The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture_. I'm a mom, a member of #MomsDemandAction, and a climate warrior.
#momsdemandaction #maritime #atlantic #coloniallatinamerica #sPAIN #earlymodern #IberianStudies