Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
72 followers · 35 posts · Server hcommons.social

Fellow pachyderms and hcommoners: If you work on the of , if you have identified as a at some point, or if you work on , please have a look at the list of those who have enrolled themselves on the Google doc (docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d). I think you'll find that there are very few of us that work in topics related to Literature and Culture. We should have a larger presence on hcommons.social, in my humble opinion. Please help me recruit some and colleagues to hcommons.social or to another Mastodon-linked server of their choice.

#LatinAmericanist #Iberianist #Iberoamerican #litstudies #latinamerica #hispanist #Iberia #literaturesandcultures

Last updated 2 years ago