Danny Ockilson - he/him · @danny
44 followers · 238 posts · Server justweb.dev

Soph picked me up a copy of 's , I have never been big on (or writing in books generally...) but going to try and force myself into a routine for this :/ may need an :p

#IbramXKendi #BeAntiRacist #journaling #accountabilabuddy #reading

Last updated 1 year ago

Tom Resing · @resing
234 followers · 1149 posts · Server social.coop

Read Ibram X. Kendi's chapter on Progress in The 1619 Project book to open your eyes to examples of this strategy to dismiss current systemic racism.

It's opened my eyes a little to something I was missing before.


#IbramXKendi #the1619project #systemicracism

Last updated 2 years ago

I have a lot of baggage regarding my relationship to my upbringing, but knowing that the first pamphlet written on Turtle Island by whites was by Mennonites is not one of them. I applaud for helping me become aware of that I never learned in school. Stamped From the Beginning is a phenomenal history and education manual. @bookstadon

#Mennonite #AntiRacist #antislavery #IbramXKendi #history

Last updated 2 years ago

The Laughing Muse · @thelaughingmuse
176 followers · 2194 posts · Server mastodon.lol

My late-December book haul, in no particular order! Thanks to and (Not shown b/c they won't fit in frame: Python Crash Course, 2nd ed. and 2 fractal coloring books. Also, still waiting on a delivery. The package went for a little tour. I'm hoping to get my Tarot del Toro by my birthday.)

@mikechenwriter @neilhimself are the only two currently on Mastodon.

#nkjemisin #cjcherryh #guygavrielkay #tenochhuerta #IbramXKendi #saminnosrat #thirdplacebooks #powellscityofbooks #tsundoku

Last updated 2 years ago

TheNeurotrust · @theneurotrust
255 followers · 135 posts · Server todon.eu

Curious to know which books and/or organizations shaped your and lens

Looking at this book list from antiraciststarterpack.com/

The first book I read on perspectives was from

I typically recommend by to folks who are new to learning about and by for folks who are learning about with an lens

The orgs I recommend following to learn the basics around social justice issues are and so many others

#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #socialjustice #racialequity #raceconscious #racematters #cornelwest #howtobeanantiracist #IbramXKendi #antiracism #wedothistilwefreeus #MariameKaba #communityorganizing #abolitionist #movementforblacklives #M4BL #ndncollective #showingupforracialjustice #SURJ #criticalresistance

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11188 posts · Server todon.eu

Scholar : Must Address How

We speak to prominent antiracist scholar Ibram X. Kendi about the epidemic of young white males who commit white supremacist domestic terrorism. This comes as an 18-year-old white shooter sought out a majority-Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, and killed 10 people on Saturday. Kendi says this phenomenon will only get worse if antiracist education is not introduced to white children and children of color alike at their most vulnerable stages of development. Even before critical race theory was under attack, there was a dearth of educators and education that reinforces “the source of racial disparities and inequities in our community is not the inferiority of a particular racial group but this history and presence of racist policies,” he adds. Kendi’s recent piece for The Atlantic is headlined “The Danger More Republicans Should Be Talking About: White-supremacist ideology is harmful to all, especially the naive and defenseless minds of youth.”


#AntiRacist #IbramXKendi #republicans #WhiteSupremacistsTargetYouth #BuffaloMassShooting

Last updated 3 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11188 posts · Server todon.eu

: Gunman Cited Racist “Great Replacement” Conspiracy Theory Popularized by Fox News

The mass shooter who killed 10 people in Buffalo, , on Saturday posted a racist manifesto online before targeting a majority-Black neighborhood. His writings took heavily from conservative conspiracy theories that white people were in danger of being replaced by people of color. This so-called Great Replacement conspiracy theory has been promoted by major far-right media figures including
of Fox News. “What it does is create a dynamic where believers view immigrants and nonwhite people as an existential threat not only to themselves physically but to their position in society,” says McCannRamírez, associate research director at , who has researched how Carlson uses his show to launder
ideology. We also speak with prominent scholar
, who says mainstream conservatives are increasingly parroting extremist talking points.


#democracynow #BuffaloMassDhooting #BuffaloMassacre #newyork #tuckercarlson #nikki #MediaMatterforAmerica #whitenationalist #AntiRacist #IbramXKendi

Last updated 3 years ago