Let's go the West Coast (says Coolio, "Land of the insane …"), and a personal favourite that tells a story rather than just fronts –
Ice Cube, "Once Upon a Time in the Projects" (1990)
#fiftyyearsofhiphop #JukeboxFridayNight #IceCube
🎧 Just heard #AI Hank Williams sing "Straight Outta Compton" and am certain now, these are the end times.
Straight Outta Compton by #NWA was released 35 years ago today, on 8 August 1988.
Listen to Fuck Tha Police: https://youtu.be/fF3aPT7C51Y
#hiphop #drdre #IceCube #EazyE #onthisdayinmusic #MastoArt #nwa
Happy #IPAday from 🇫🇮 to y'all at #BeersOfMastodon!🍻
#CoolHead #WestCoast #BestCoast #IceCube 🎤🔊
#IceCube #bestcoast #westcoast #coolhead #beersofmastodon #ipaday
@Aakerbeere @fdroidorg Für iOS kann ich Metatext (for free) und IceCube (kein Abo-Modell, aber es gibt einen Hinweis auf ein Trinkgeld. Geht bei 0,99 los 😊. Man kann für 0,99 monatlich auch "supporter" werden.) empfehlen. Ivory soll gut sein, aber ich mag halt keine Abo-Modelle)
Primera observación con neutrinos de nuestra galaxia.
Hasta ahora se había analizado la Vía Láctea con luz visible e invisible, como los rayos X y las ondas de radio, pero el experimento #IceCube localizado en la Antártida la ha observado con algo que no es luz, sino partículas: neutrinos de alta energía procedentes del plano galáctico.
Erste Neutrino-Karte der Milchstraße. Daten des IceCube-Detektors zeigen erstmals die Neutrino-Emission unserer Galaxie. #Neutrinos #IceCube #Milchstrasse #Astronomie #Galaxie
#Neutrinos #IceCube #milchstrasse #astronomie #Galaxie
I want one of these...
"IceCube neutrino detector in Antarctica spots first high-energy neutrinos emitted in our own Milky Way galaxy"
#Science #Cosmology #Astronomy #Antarctica #Space #MilkyWay #Neutrino #IceCube
#IceCube #neutrino #milkyway #Space #antarctica #Astronomy #cosmology #Science
Ganz schöner Aufwand für eine Neutrino-Karte der Milchstraße mit 10-20 Grad Winkelauflösung!
You know Ice Cube, and that song "Check Yo' Self", with that sample from "The Message" by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five?
How about the original from "The Predator" album, sampling the Beastie Boys, and the Sweet Inspirations? Same song, different feel … reverse genre-bending, maybe.
Ice Cube, "Check Yo' Self" (1993)
[Heads up: uncensored version, lots of f-bombs and other naughty words.]
#JukeboxFridayNight #genrebender #IceCube
I watched the Eric Hecker video about the IceCube natrino facility in Antarctica. He said it caused the Christchurch earthquakes 2011.
Timeframe suits Wikileaks, so I did a basic Christchurch earthquake search, and on the first page "And on cue..." really makes me wonder WHAT THE FUCK?
#Antarctica #natrino #USA #earthquake #Christchurch #NewZealand #science #icecube #wikileaks
#antarctica #natrino #usa #earthquake #christchurch #newzealand #science #IceCube #wikileaks
‘¿Cuáles Fronteras?’: Banda MS & Ice Cube Talk Shattering Racial & Linguistic Borders
Check it out! 👇
#IceCube ist mir irgendwie zu buggy, mal blinkt der gesamte Screen, mal lädt yes gar nicht. Benutze sonst TOOT. welche App (zuverlässig) empfehlt ihr für IOS?
suche mal nach dem Hashtag #icecube
scheint von vielen AppleUsern verwendet zu werden. Evtl. hilft Dir diese App weiter 🤔
I wonder if I should have chosen a German speaking server to separate content that is relevant for the German speaking folks and local events/news from the global village. This would be quite cool and I realize this just now that it is much better than Twitters global approach.
What is a "remote local timeline" in mastodon (#IceCube)?