No, she's not responsible for this. We expected this tree would fall much earlier.
#IdąPsięta $Polesia #forest #wetlands
#IdąPsięta, guardians of the half-empty ditch. Despite recent rains the water level here is still quite low. I probably should measure the level regularly, but getting here requires a lot of effort.
He's a very good driver. Let's just hope we don't encounter any hares.
Vuko zwęszył kurki, ale ich chyba nie udusi.
Rozmowy z #IdąPsięta.
– A czy te ludzie, co robią psie miski i zabawki to lepiej głaskają swoje pieski?
– Nie, Morciu, oni swoje pieski zjadają.
No water left. This is the pool of #water in the previous picture right now.
No water left. This is the inside view of the bush on the left in the previous picture.
"I wont take up too much space, can I please stay here?"
Pietruszka, formerly known as Veruschka, is the reason why there are so few Totoros left in our forest.
#IdąPsięta #dogsofmastodon #totoro
We'll have to rethink our idea of a perfect doghouse.
#IdąPsięta #dogsofmastodon #rurallife
Bruno lost a few pounds.
I always add AltText to my photos and I try to write descriptions longer than "dog sitting on a log". It takes some effort, but it's good for you, because otherwise it would be so easy to incessantly post pictures of our dogs, #IdąPsięta
Samochód zarzygany, ale szczeniaczkom #IdąPsięta wstrzyknieto wściekliznę, więc moga spokojnie memłać turystów, którzy nieopacznie zapuszczą się w naszą okolicę.