Oskar im Keller · @OskarImKeller
107 followers · 1661 posts · Server fnordon.de

- die österreichische Kulturmanagerin und Kuratorin (1964-2023), Gründerin des queeren (1994-2017) ist gestorben.

Hier ein Nachruf: fc-gloria.at/newsundevents/nac

#rip #barbarareumuller #filmfestival #Identities #film #lgbtqi #wien #nachruf #tod #queer

Last updated 1 year ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
163 followers · 375 posts · Server pagan.plus

Being fat decreases your opportunities significantly in the world. Add into that mix any other intersecting identities, and you have a recipe for extremely low pay in comparison with groups who do not fall into those . The world views fat people as less valuable and proceeds to compensate them according to that belief.

Fat people are a group, but it continues to be 'socially acceptable' to make fun of them, treat them as less, make harmful assumptions about them, and regularly enact aggressions or against them.


#pay #corporate #Identities #marginalized #microaggressions #Fatphobia #fatphobic #fat #equalityateverysize #discrimination #bullying #identity

Last updated 2 years ago

DAME Magazine · @damemagazine
3562 followers · 438 posts · Server newsie.social

The Department of Corrections fails to acknowledge . A first-hand account on the fight for prisoners to have their authentic selves be documented.


#incarcerated #trans #Identities

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi :verified: 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
86 followers · 174 posts · Server pagan.plus

The only thing I want to see from the is this. The armband is to promote inclusion and display solidarity with people of different and sexual .

stated anyone wearing the would get carded, to which I would respond .

Some people believe should stay out of spheres, and you have the right to hold that ; I, however, believe anything that involves humans gathering is by default a socio-political sphere and is subject to forms of protest where relevant and necessary.

So unless the armbands are spitting fire at people (which admittedly would also be cool): suck it up.

#1love #onelove #opinion #Sociopolitical #sports #fuckfifa #armband #fifa #Identities #genders #worldcup #qatar

Last updated 2 years ago