The other day - builder's van with two occupant's #idling engine outside a busy playground (also opposite empty primary school).
I politely asked them to turn it off, pointing out playing children.
Guy in drivers seat waved and turned off engine.
Older guy in passenger seat said 'no, we're going in a minute' and made driver turn it back on.
I shrugged and walked away, he shouted
"Are you gay, or what?".
They were still there when I came back with my shopping. Driver avoided eye contact.
Another round of asking nicely from #WarwickshireCountyCouncil
which the problem selfish, antisocial drivers will ignore, assuming they're even aware in the first place.
#Warwickshire #Idling #AirPollution #WCCSafe_Active #Warwickshire_CC
#warwickshire_cc #wccsafe_active #airpollution #Idling #warwickshire #warwickshirecountycouncil
Just had a run in with a local #Evri driver. She'd left her car to deliver a parcel but with the engine #idling, creating unnecessary pollution; also illegal given drivers must not leave their vehicles while the engine is running.
All I said was, "you know you've left your engine running?" and off she went. I know, don't engage, but it's so infuriating how antisocial & inconsiderate these people can be. If turning a key is such hard work, how are they competent to drive?
today. first day back #atwork after my every-two-months #break i've been having these days. i used to call it #backtoreality but i believe i know better now.
wait. i didn't have more #time but did time feel a little less fast this time around? i didn't do much more but could it be that i've spent a little less time #idling #athome?
#AtHome #Idling #time #backtoreality #break #atWork
We recently found these excellent #AirPollution facts from the Global Centre for #CleanAir research. Did you know that cars queuing or #Idling during drop-off hours generate up to a 300% increase in fine particles? #FridayFact
#fridayfact #Idling #cleanair #airpollution