If a security incident happens at Parliament House, and recordings were automatically deleted, did it ever happen?
Regardless of the Higgins-Lehrmann incident, does anyone else think that the automated deletion of footage is bizarre?
#IfATreeFallsInAForest #AusPol #AusLaw
#IfATreeFallsInAForest #auspol #auslaw
If a dead planet orbits a black dwarf whilst tidally locked in an utterly dark Universe, does time exist?
Is the observer necessary?
See also:
#Time #Entropy #Clocks #ThoughtExperiments #ArrowOfTime #ArthurEddington #IfATreeFallsInAForest #physics #philosophy
#time #entropy #clocks #thoughtexperiments #ArrowOfTime #arthureddington #IfATreeFallsInAForest #physics #philosophy