Please: if you ever notice any "weird spots" on your skin, or ANY blood in your urine, get it checked out by a doctor. And because this is a rare disease, ask your doctor to specifically rule it out - many of them don't know it even exists! If I had known three weeks sooner, I could have dramatically altered the course of my disease. (3/3) #PSA #IgANephropathy #IgAVasculitis
#psa #IgANephropathy #igavasculitis
IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune disease, and a kidney disease. I was diagnosed three years ago, and am already at stage 4 out of 5. Stage 5 is end stage, and requires dialysis and a kidney transplant, which may or may not be a permanent "solution." It has a huge impact on your daily life, requiring lots of care to manage both treatments/medications and your own fatigue/side effects. #PSA #IgANephropathy #IgAVasculitis (2/3)
#psa #IgANephropathy #igavasculitis
I just found out that I missed IgA Nephropathy Awareness Day, so I wanted to make a quick thread just to make folks aware of it: (1/3) #PSA #IgANephropathy #IgAVasculitis
#psa #IgANephropathy #igavasculitis
So I checked my blood test results for the first time without any anxiety at all because I have been feeling better than usual lately. Fuck’s sake, GFR has dropped to 13, end-stage renal failure. Dialysis is getting uncomfortably close.
This better not ruin my holiday plans later this year. :ablobcatcry:
#ckd #kidneydisease #chronickidneydisease #iganephropathy #kidneyfailure
#KidneyFailure #IgANephropathy #ChronicKidneyDisease #KidneyDisease #CKD