Sui #nomi
Prima foto: A rifare il mondo, di #IlariaRicoli [Bompiani]
Seconda foto: La tartaruga re degli animali e altre favole #igbo dalla #Nigeria, di #BenAmushie [Emi]
#samalegge #diverstitàculturale #intercultura #africa #educazioneinterculturale #linguamadre #mammalingua
#nomi #ilariaricoli #Igbo #nigeria #benamushie #samalegge #diverstitaculturale #intercultura #africa #educazioneinterculturale #linguamadre #mammalingua
Parole migranti in italiano, di Jacopo Ferrari
Un glossario di 529 voci (migrantismi) provenienti da 32 lingue: #arabo, #cinese, #dari, #ebraico, #ewondo, #francese, #giapponese, #greco, #hausa, #hindi, #igbo, #inglese, #lingala, #malese, #mandingo, #persiano, #portoghese, #pulaar, #romanì, #rumeno, #russo, #sanscrito, #serbocroato, #somalo, #spagnolo, #swahili, #turco, #ucraino, #ungherese, #urdu e #wolof.
#arabo #cinese #dari #ebraico #ewondo #francese #giapponese #greco #Hausa #hindi #Igbo #inglese #Lingala #malese #mandingo #persiano #portoghese #pulaar #romani #rumeno #russo #sanscrito #serbocroato #somalo #spagnolo #swahili #turco #ucraino #ungherese #urdu #wolof
Due nuove segnalazioni dedicate allə adultə nella sezione "Risorse gratuite" del sito:
OlongoAfrica con dieci racconti in #edo, #hausa, #ibibio, #igbo, #nigerianpidgin, #shona, #swahili, #tamazight, #tiv e #yoruba.
Jalada Africa con il racconto “The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright” di #NgugiwaThiongo tradotto in decine di lingue nazionali africane
#samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
#EDO #Hausa #ibibio #Igbo #nigerianpidgin #shona #swahili #tamazight #tiv #Yoruba #ngugiwathiongo #samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
Tagliare le nuvole col naso. Modi di dire dal mondo, di Ella Frances Sanders [marcos y marcos], traduzione di #ilariapiperno
52 proverbi, espressioni e frasi idiomatiche da tutto il mondo che donano associazioni nuove a emozioni eterne, svelando qualcosa degli altri e qualcosa di noi.
In #ga, #swahili e #igbo (che trovate in foto) i proverbi provenienti dall'#Africa.
#illibrodelgiorno #ilariapiperno #ga #swahili #Igbo #africa
回顧 #wikidatacon2021
伊博(Igbo)語和節錄維基百科(Abstract Wikipedia) - 對談
維基媒體基金會的願景:「想像一則每個人皆可自由分享所有知識總彙的世界」。節錄- 維琪百科預想這樣的世界,通過知識的節錄,表示縮小後的罕見語言多樣性的差距,這些知識能夠:「在有人想閱讀其中的一部分時,被翻譯成[維基百科]300種語言之一」。在本次演講中,雙語教育家與跨文化傳播專家,Tochi Precious和數據科學家和計算語言學家Silvia Gutiérrez,將和節錄-維基百科產品經理,Denny Vrandečić交談,以解開自動化和多樣節點的挑戰。
#講座 #wikidata #abstractwikipedia #Igbo #wikidatacon2021
Onye ihe mere na-eji anya agụ ibe ọgụ.
I think it means:
One who uses eyes
is able to beat a tiger.
I've been trained in Central #Igbo dialect, which is standard for learning.
In future I also really want to learn Anambra dialect and accent.
Solemn dedication:
In memory of my father,
Mazị Maurice Ọnwụkwe Okoro,
a man killed during the war,
1968, in Alụlụ.
What it must have been, to have this inscription in a printed book back in the 70s?
Cracking open another book in my #AsusuIgbo journey.
Nka Dị Na Ntị by Mazị B.C.Okoro
Funny that one of my #Mastodon mutuals is all over the Dramatis Personae.
#asusuigbo #mastodon #Igbo #nkadinanti #mazibcokoro #mazibemekaokoro
My thoughts from this book.
1. For this children's book I am able to understand at least 60-70% of all the words. Not bad now.
2. Still not enough to understand the story without help.
3. @google Translate is really bad for #Igbo language, but still helps looking up many phrases.
4. This being Owerri dialect (right?) it looks like #OwerriIgbo tends to use 'dị' (to be like something) often where my previous training would put 'bụ' (to be something).
#Igbo #owerriigbo #asusuigbo #alabingo
③ Lastly, Ọgụ consults his other wise helper about sun and moon. The situation there was some kind of horror show. Sun got angry and sliced Moon's face, and it doesn't heal all that well.
And with that turns out Ọgụ got 2 out of 3, and Mgba got 1.
That makes Ọgụ the successor, and with this every 'dị ọkpara', first son becomes traditionally the successor of every king.
The old King Ọgara gives sons 3 tasks:
1. Bring hippopotamus out of the water alive.
2. Explain why sun and moon have their shapes?
3. Explain why people are born at home?
① Ọgụ dares hippopotamus (whose #Igbo name is 'water elephant') into a tug-of-war with elephant, see the picture.
② Mgba goes to his friend Ụchị and comes back with long story that I struggled to read. A bit beyond my knowledge. But that explained the birth story in many animals biting and pecking each other.
More news from #AlaBINGO :
King Ọgara found a way to marry his love.
They got 2 sons: Ọgụ and Mgba.
The king is getting old, who's the successor?
Ọgụ conquers and scatters a pack of lions troubling villagers.
Mgba fought a man called Ụchị, but instead of beating Ụchị, Mgba's caught a chimpanzee and presented him as a gift.
Seems the question of succession will be the topic of the next chapter, ISI 9.
Wow, massive progress with #AlaBINGO today.
King Ọgara had wild wahala: saw the young lady, got infatuated, caught and failed, and now looks for a shepherd of the West.
Starting to go faster, snatching more and more meaning. Description of young lady's features was one kind of text 🤭
It is well.
OK folks, this is mad!
ISI 4 goes about a thief and pharmacist, who was robbing poor kids and widows, caught and sent to jail with extended term by that big boss king.
Having served his term, he exacts revenge on beloved king's daughter.
The Ada loses her mind and to this day wanders waters of Bingo river.
And the only treat she might still come to, is peanuts. When King Ọgara sowed peanuts, she sneaked to the bank and might do again.
OMG so sorry, the Big Foot turns out a she!
And a daughter of heavenly king, no less.
Told you, #Igbo stories are unpredictable 😲
OMG so sorry, the Big Foot turns out a she!
And a daughter of heavenly king, no less.
Told you, #Igbo stories are unpredictable 😲
More #Igbo reading today.
King Ọgara hit another ezigbo onye eze with his story. In the middle of this chapter I got confused who's that majestic fella on high, but all hoped are now in his might and magnanimity.
Igbo stories are unpredictable, sometimes strangers are good, sometimes evil.
Let's see, now to ISI 4, whose title suggests we'll finally meet the enigmatic Big Foot...
Little snippet of #Igbo language: I love you in Igbo translated literally will be 'I see you'.
Can you not be taken by this language and culture? 😍