As part of the most recent human rights dialogue between the EU and the PRC, the EU side requested information about Ilham Tohti's whereabouts, his health, whether his relatives can see him, whether he is at all alive. The PRC side refused any such information. #IlhamTohti
RT @usbotschaft: "Jewher Ilham sah ihren Vater, den uigurischen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Ilham Tohti, das letzte Mal am 2. Februar 2013 in einem Verhörraum am Flughafen Peking-Hauptstadt, kurz…
Today I had the honor to welcome @JewherIlham to the EP. She presented her book "Because I Have to - the Path to Survival, the #Uyghur Struggle." In it, she describes her personal story about her father's (#IlhamTohti) detention by Chinese authorities in early 2013. Many thanks.
Nine years ago, Ilham Tohti was arrested in China and sentenced to a life in prison after a two day trial. He is the European Parliament's 2019 #Sakharov laureate. Here, 20 MEPs from different political groups jointly demonstrate for Ilham Tohti's freedom. #IlhamTohti
Před devíti lety byl Ujgur Ilham Tohti zatčen v Číně a odsouzen k doživotí ve dvoudenním procesu. Už čtyři roky se neví, je-li stále naživu. Připomínáme si ho a jeho postavení se koncentrákům v Číně a boj za lidská práva. #IlhamTohti
RT @gusiting: Never forget! Tohti has been one of the moderate, reflective dissenting voices, emphasizing education, well-grounded arguments, bringing together Uyghurs, Han-Chinese, Tibetans..this is what the CCP fears and this is why Tohti got arrested. #ilhamtohti #humanrights #china
#IlhamTohti #humanrights #China
Meine Arbeit diese Woche war stark chinazentriert, u.a. habe ich einen Brief an die Hohe Kommissarin für Menschenrechte der VN, @mbachelet, zum Fall #IlhamTohti initiiert.