Home Office ‘may fit asylum seekers with electronic tags’ | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
#homeoffice #tags #asylumseekers #IllegalMigrationBill #rwanda #illegalmigrationact #Braverman #unhcr #bedfordshire
Government ‘failing Afghans’ as only 233 people come to UK on flagship resettlement scheme | The Independent
#AfghanRefugees #ResettlementScheme #SmallBoats #homeoffice #taliban #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #rwanda #pakistan #ACRS #irc #IRCUK #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #ARAP #mercer #homelessness
Britain facing ‘permanent asylum backlog’ and £5bn accommodation bill under new Tory migration act | The Independent
#AsylumBacklog #IllegalMigrationBill #ippr #SmallBoats #RefugeeAction #Care4Calais
Rishi Sunak suggests he can’t ‘stop the boats’ by general election | The Independent
#SmallBoats #Sunak #AsylumBan #asylum #ge #Braverman #IllegalMigrationBill
Why is our present government so committed to breaking the law? | The Independent
#ukgov #asylumseekers #refugees #SmallBoats #ChildAsylumSeekers #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #humanrights #EHRC #housing #tents #Braverman
RT Jenny Jones
The #IllegalMigrationBill was a terrible mistake by the Tory Govt. It's a stain on their reputation that will persist through the next election and for a long time afterwards. Voting against both protections for children and against the #ModernSlaveryAct is unforgettable cruelty.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Enver Solomon 🧡: My @guardian comment piece: This is a watershed moment as legislation passes that slams our door in the face of refugees seeking safety in the UK. Councils will be left to pick up the pieces as vulnerable people vanish into the margins of society. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/18/illegal-migration-bill-children-abused-exploited-law?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreenJennyJones/status/1681543807483912192
#IllegalMigrationBill #ModernSlaveryAct
RT Jenny Jones: The House of Lords could have stopped the law breaking #IllegalMigrationBill, but we didn't. That was about politics, not policy.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreenJennyJones/status/1681562908109545472
RT Natalie Bennett
Very bad news. Every vote on #IllegaMigrationBill lost. It will now go through.
Conservatives whipped viciously, I hear. Saw lots of people never seen before, or heard speak, walking through their lobby.
#democracy & #RuleofLaw - they’d be a good idea
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Natalie Bennett: Sadly bad news from #HouseofLords #IllegalMigrationBill
First vote - on having regard to international law - lost. But talk is we might do better in later, narrower amendments. Stay tuned…
#RuleofLaw #HumanRights
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/natalieben/status/1681084321153572866
#IllegaMigrationBill #Democracy #ruleoflaw #HouseofLords #IllegalMigrationBill #humanrights
Genuinely gutted at the lows our government can reach "in our name", the illegal migration bill is disgusting, immoral and probably illegal yet we plow on #politics #illegalMigrationBill #noCompassionHere
#politics #IllegalMigrationBill #noCompassionHere
For those asking about technical process in Lords this week re #IllegalMigrationBill, @edvaizey explains it well on @TimesRadio. What's missing is damage that will be/is alreay beingdone to any faith in institutions if public constantly told "you can't do that. We won't let you"
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Times Radio: “I’m talking here as an ex-Tory because I’ll probably lose the whip now!”
Ed Vaizey reveals the trade secrets of the House of Lords on #TimesRadio
@EdVaizey | @KateEMcCann | @Jack_Blanchard_ https://t.co/sFgQgYPNoL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Fox_Claire/status/1680579202200813568
#IllegalMigrationBill #TimesRadio
Scandal of refugee families separated by UK red tape | The Independent
#refugees #SeperatedFamilies #FamilyReunification #Visas #RedTape #SmallBoats #PeopleSmugglers #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #saferoutes #homeoffice #Braverman #SafePassageInternational #safepassagenow #RefugeeBanBill
RT Natalie Bennett
Today #HouseofLords, #ILLEGALMigrationBill back in "ping pong", Commons having undone most of our previous good work.
Please tell @LabourLordsUK you want them to stand firm on basic principles, like not breaking international law!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/natalieben/status/1679053381858369537
#HouseofLords #IllegalMigrationBill
Illegal migration bill returns to the Commons heavily amended after Lords defeat – UK politics live
#IllegalMigrationBill #SmallBoats #AsylumBan #refugees #asylumseekers #modernslavery #May
Small boats bill ripped apart in Lords as peers say government living ‘in cloud cuckoo land’ | The Independent
#SmallBoats #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #hol #peers #PregnantWomen #children #lgbt #lgbtqia #asylumseekers #modernslavery #CloudCuckooLand #courtofappeal #homeoffice #rwanda #deportation #DeportationAgreements
Government says it does not know how much new small boats bill will cost – or if it will work | The Independent
#rwanda #asylum #asylumseekers #refugees #deportation #AsylumBan #IllegalMigrationBill #SmallBoats #homeoffice #courtofappeal #EconomicImpactAssessment #tories #labour #Cooper #noclue
Child refugees detained by UK at risk of ‘PTSD, depression and suicidal behaviour’, health bodies warn | The Independent
#ChildRefugees #detention #ChildDetention #ptsd #depression #suicide #trauma #Braverman #barclay #RCPCH #bma #rcgp #FacultyOfPublicHealth #hol #Sunak #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #childmigrants #homeoffice
MP blasts Braverman in fiery clash over small boats: ‘Just answer the question’ | The Independent
#Braverman #SmallBoats #AsylumBan #IllegalMigrationBill #IllegalMigration #asylumseekers #refugees #HomeAffairsCommittee #DianaJohnson #rwanda #RwandaGovLawyers #AsylumBacklog #AsylumDecisions #FallInAsylumDecisions
UN slams UK over its child rights failures.
#humanrights #childrensrights #un #uk #ChildRefugees #military #MilitaryRecruiment #childsoldiers #ChildMilitaryRecruitment #ForcesWatch #childmigrants #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #classism #welfare #childwelfare
Tory fury as civil servants threaten strike over Rwanda policy | The Independent
#rwanda #civilservice #civilservants #tories #SmallBoats #AsylumBan #homeoffice #ReesMogg #strikes #patel #Braverman #IllegalMigrationBill #asylumseekers #modernslavery #UNRefugeeAgency #mentalhealth #BeingRequiredToDoSomethingIllegal #PoliticalFootball #highcourt #pcs #saferoutes #safepassagenow
‘Government must end its addiction to hostility,’ charities say | Morning Star
#asylumseekers #poverty #WorkBan #humanrights #homeoffice #Sunak #RefugeeAction #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #antirefugeebill #amnestyinternational #BritishRedCross