A DNN Optimizer that Improves over AdaBelief by Suppression of the Adaptive Stepsize Range
Guoqiang Zhang, Kenta Niwa, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Action editor: RĂ©mi Flamary.
#optimizers #ImageNet #optimizer
Efficient Inference With Model Cascades
Luzian Lebovitz, Lukas Cavigelli, Michele Magno, Lorenz K Muller
Action editor: Yarin Gal.
A simple, efficient and scalable contrastive masked autoencoder for learning visual representations
#autoencoders #autoencoder #ImageNet
Learned Thresholds Token Merging and Pruning for Vision Transformers
Maxim Bonnaerens, Joni Dambre
Action editor: Mathieu Salzmann.
Optimizing Learning Rate Schedules for Iterative Pruning of Deep Neural Networks
Shiyu Liu, Rohan Ghosh, John Chong Min Tan, Mehul Motani
Action editor: Mingsheng Long.
#pruning #ImageNet #subnetworks
Foiling Explanations in Deep Neural Networks
Snir Vitrack Tamam, Raz Lapid, Moshe Sipper
Action editor: Jakub Tomczak.
#adversarial #ImageNet #inception
Synthetic Data from Diffusion Models Improves ImageNet Classification
#ImageNet #inception #generative
Contrastive Attraction and Contrastive Repulsion for Representation Learning
Huangjie Zheng, Xu Chen, Jiangchao Yao et al.
Action editor: Yanwei Fu.
#softmax #representations #ImageNet
Efficient Inference With Model Cascades
Supervised Knowledge May Hurt Novel Class Discovery Performance
ZIYUN LI, Jona Otholt, Ben Dai, Di Hu, Christoph Meinel, Haojin Yang
Action editor: Vikas Sindhwani.
#supervised #labeled #ImageNet
Training Vision-Language Transformers from Captions
Training with Mixed-Precision Floating-Point Assignments
Wonyeol Lee, Rahul Sharma, Alex Aiken
Action editor: Nadav Cohen.
Exploiting Category Names for Few-Shot Classification with Vision-Language Models
#ImageNet #classification #category
Foiling Explanations in Deep Neural Networks
#adversarial #ImageNet #inception
Contrastive Attraction and Contrastive Repulsion for Representation Learning
#softmax #representations #ImageNet
Steerable Equivariant Representation Learning
#ImageNet #steerability #steerable
Guillotine Regularization: Why removing layers is needed to improve generalization in Self-Superv...
Florian Bordes, Randall Balestriero, Quentin Garrido, Adrien Bardes, Pascal Vincent
Action editor: Jinwoo Shin.
#regularization #ImageNet #generalization
MixTrain: Accelerating DNN Training via Input Mixing
'Decentralized Learning: Theoretical Optimality and Practical Improvements', by Yucheng Lu, Christopher De Sa.
#imagenet #benchmarks #sgd
Orthonormalising gradients improves neural network optimisation
#gradients #ImageNet #orthogonalising