@orthoheterodox1@mstdn.social Imagine, people have searched their lives finding God, yet they couldn’t find their own selves yet. Truly Imam Ali’s wise words says “Know yourself and you will know God”. #ImamAli #Islam #christianity #religion
#ImamAli #Islam #christianity #religion
Rule 38:
It is never too late to ask yourself, “Am I ready to change the life I am living? Am I ready to change within?” Even if a single day in your life is the same as the day before, it surely is a pity. At every moment and with each new breath, one should be renewed and renewed again. There is only one-way to be born into a new life: to die before death.
- Shams of Tabriz
#Islam #sufi #ImamAli #Muslim #saying #quote
Rule 37:
God is a meticulous dock maker. So precise is His order that everything on earth happens in its own time. Neither a minute late nor a minute early. And for everyone without exception, the clock works accurately. For each there is a time to love and a time to die.
- Shams of Tabriz
Rule 29:
Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to live everything to the fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the universe is all pervading and it is composed on 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument but how well to play is entirely in your hands.
- Shams of Tabriz
#Islam #sufi #ImamAli #quotes #Mastodon #god
Rule 27:
Whatever you speak, good or evil, will somehow come back to you. Therefore, if there is someone who harbors ill thoughts about you, saying similarly bad things about him will only make matters worse. You will be locked in a vicious circle of malevolent energy. Instead for forty days and nights say and think nice things about that person. Everything will be different at the end of 40 days because you will be different inside.
- Shams of Tabriz
7 Cures for #depression by #ImamAli
#Islam #sufi #sufism
1. Put cold water over your head
2. Clean yourself
3. Remember Allah (God) when feeling depressed
4. Eating grapes
5. Live to your own lifestyle
6. Stop being jealous
7. Stay Happy and always be Thankful
#depression #ImamAli #Islam #sufi #sufism
Rule 25:
Each and every reader comprehends the Holy Qur’an on a different level in tandem with the depth of his understanding. There are four levels of insight. The first level is the outer meaning and it is the one that the majority of people are content with. Next is the Batin – the inner level. Third, there is the inner of the inner. And the fourth level is so deep it cannot be put into words and is therefore bound to remain indescribable.
- Shams of Tabriz
@brentendo I had gone through a similar situation like this in my life and one such quote reminds me which I would share, it might help: Imam Ali a.s. Said “There are two types of Rizk (sustenance). One that you chase in this world, and one that chases you. Until you receive what’s destined for you, death will not reach you. For God assigned death and sustenance at the same time.” So just relax and have faith, who knows what tomorrow brings for you. #islam #ImamAli
Verily, women are the twin halves of men. In fact the word for “Eve” in Arabic is the same as the Hebrew word Hawwaah, which comes from a root word that means “source of life”. In essence, every time we reference Eve, we are reminded that although the prophets of God that were mentioned in the Qur’an were men, without women there would be no prophets born into this world. This is why women are seen as the bridges of creation between Heaven and Earth.
#Islam #guidance #education #women #ImamAli
Rule 24:
Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both present inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy or fight someone we tumble straight into the fires of hell.
- Shams of Tabriz
#shamsoftabriz #Islam #sufi #ImamAli
Rule 24:
Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both present inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy or fight someone we tumble straight into the fires of hell.
- Shams of Tabriz
#shamsoftabriz #Islam #sufi #ImamAli
Rule 23:
The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each and every one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it.
- Shams of Tabriz
#Islam #sufi #ImamAli #Muslim #mastadon