DeepImageJ 3.0 released—a user-friendly #FijiSc plugin that enables the use of a variety of pre-trained neural networks from the #BioimageModelZoo. Works with small and also very large images thanks to #ImgLib2.
#imageprocessing #imagej #tensorflow #pytorch #deepimagej #ImgLib2 #bioimagemodelzoo #FijiSc
Every time I need to run an image processing task, the open source software #FijiSc delivers.
The javadocs are up to date , the libraries just work – particularly #ImgLib2
And the examples of my own tutorial written in python 2.7 for the #JVM (#jython), despite some being a decade old, they all just work. Grateful every day for the outstanding backwards compatibility plus the new plugins and libraries that continue to grow
Many thanks to the many, many developers and maintainers, particularly Curtis Rueden, who is presently cutting out a new release: 2.11.0
#imageprocessing #jython #jvm #ImgLib2 #FijiSc
@b0rk For fast integer modulo computation in #java programs. For example, in the #ImgLib2, a type-, dimension-, and storage-independent high-performance image processing library. Here, an example in a pixel type with 4 bits only:
// Same as (i * 4) % 64
final long shift = ( j << 2 ) & 63;
From the Unsigned4BitType class:
@benoitmandelbot How nice–love the colors, looks tropical.
There is an example using the #ImgLib2 library implementing the computation and rendering at arbitrary depth of the #Mandelbrot set.
The main class to run it:
The viewer implementation:
The Mandelbrot math bits, in a separate #java class:
#FIJI development is mainly concentrated at #LOCI based at #UWMadison.
#imglib2 development is currently focused at @HHMI Janelia where I work.
Tobias Pietzsch, an independent developer, is now picking up of #imglib2 and #BigDataViewer development with support from #CZI and @HHMI .
#fiji #loci #uwmadison #ImgLib2 #BigDataViewer #czi
One of the open source projects I work on is #FIJI (is just #ImageJ).
At the heart of #FIJI is #imglib2, a n-dimensional numerical processing library for #Java.
Yesterday, we had a Chan Zuckberg Initiative Essential Open Source Software sponsored community meeting:
Now onto #FijiSc: Fiji is a recursive acronym meaning "Fiji is just ImageJ" (and the paper ) –and #ImageJ is a #java open source software for image processing written by Wayne Rasband from the #NIH Research Branch.
An analogy: think of ImageJ as the kernel and Fiji as the rest of the operating system.
#FijiSc brings to #ImageJ:
(1) a package manager to install and update plugins, and that crucially enables reproducible science by exporting the whole set of plugins and libraries as an executable;
(2) a Script Editor supporting many languages (#python, #groovy #ruby #scala #clojure and more), all with access to a huge collection of #JVM libraries;
(3) huge amount of libraries such as #ImgLib2, #JFreeChart for plotting, for GUIs, etc.
There are many, many plugins. A tiny sample:
Machine learning-based image segmentation:
- #LabKit
- #WEKA Trainable Segmentation
3D/4D/ND Visualization:
- 3D/4D Viewer #3DViewer with ray-tracing, orthoslices, volume rendering, and more
- #BigDataViewer #BDV for interactively navigate N-dimensional image volumes larger than RAM
Image registration and serial section alignment:
- #BigStitcher for registering 3D/4D tiled datasets, with multiview deconvolution and more
- #TrakEM2 for montaging in 2D and alinging in 3D collections of serial sections, typically from #vEM (volume electron microscopy)
- #mpicbg libraries for extracting #SIFT and #MOPS features, then finding feature correspondences and estimating rigid and elastic transformation models
Summarizing #FijiSc is impossible. See the online forum where questions find answers by the hand of the broader community of users and developers
#java #nih #python #groovy #ruby #BigDataViewer #BigStitcher #TrakEM2 #sift #FijiSc #imagej #scala #clojure #jvm #ImgLib2 #JFreeChart #LabKit #weka #3DViewer #bdv #vem #mpicbg #mops