The sociopath roommate uses her 10 year old daughter to do her bidding. She never expresses anger appropriately or directly and she is an angry white woman. Very angry. She has everyone else fight for her so her reputation remains unblemished and she never has to be an adult. Its not working well. The rest of the house has caught on except the LL. #immature #emotionalintelligence #EQ #abusive #fight #anger #family #house #home
#Immature #emotionalintelligence #eq #abusive #fight #anger #family #house #home
Someone once told me my mother was a narcissist but I couldn't see it. It always bothered me that she spoke like a little child. Until I met my sociopath roommate who also speaks like a child I didn't know what it was. They have a lot in common except my mother is far more mild and extremely generous, sweet, responsible and the opposite of vindictive. But the similarities are astounding. My roomie is on the high end of the nightmare spectrum. #childlike #immature #childish
#childlike #Immature #childish
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 I Don't Mind
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #Immature
@justinhendrix I've been playing with #DALL-E and it's not ready for prime time. The odd results don't concern me as much as the fact that #immature #technologies are easier to hack for nefarious purposes.
So we had a bit of a family games night last night. First time we'd played Catan in an absolute age.
If you're not aware of the game, it involves collecting & trading resources to build different things. One of the things you need is wood.
After I spent the first few rounds giggling to myself at family members declaring that they'd "got wood" I wondered if it was one of those generational things.
#wood #humour #Immature #Catan