Asylum-seekers flown to California say they were ‘deceived’ by people promising them jobs and housing
#CNN #AsylumSeekersDeceived #MigrantsFlownToCalifornia #JobsAndHousingPromises #TexasToCalifornia #ImmigrationIssues #Politics #News
#cnn #asylumseekersdeceived #migrantsflowntocalifornia #jobsandhousingpromises #texastocalifornia #Immigrationissues #politics #news
A letter from Ottawa’s new mayor to all Ottawans indirectly
So glad we managed to avoid that full communist who looked like she would win the mayoral race last winter and we got a 'moderate' instead. Let's have a look at the letter and see if we can determine what is true, and what is, let's say less true.
Let's start with the half truths. The fifteen minute ci
#Immigrationissues #Islam
MEP Gunnar Beck: Germany is becoming the Lebanon of Central Europe
Please read the details at RAIR Foundation
#demographyisdestiny #Germany #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #Germany #demographyisdestiny
Three videos from the past dozen years or so, that reveal what the UN really is, and what they really plan to do to its member states
Like the EU and other supr
#demographyisdestiny #Hate-crimes #Hegelian/Marxistdialecticscams #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse #UNHRC #UnitedNations
#UnitedNations #UNHRC #TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #Hegelian #hate #demographyisdestiny
The point is never the point, and global warming
The following short clip, is a single question taken from a video of dual presentation on 'Climate Change' given by Action4Canada last week in Ottawa. The whole presentation, which richly deserves to be seen, will be available as soon as possible.
#CounteringViolentExtremism #CryptoEnvironmentalism #Explainingleftism #FrankfurtSchool #Immigrationissues
#Immigrationissues #FrankfurtSchool #Explainingleftism #CryptoEnvironmentalism #CounteringViolentExtremism
Lebanese immigrant to Europe makes video epitaph for Germany
Please read the story on the author of this video over at RAIR
#AlternativeforGermany #demographyisdestiny #Germany #Immigrationissues #implodingcivilization #InvasionofEurope #IslaminEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #IslaminEurope #InvasionofEurope #implodingcivilization #Immigrationissues #Germany #demographyisdestiny #AlternativeforGermany
The perfect example of Frankfurt School Discourse theory: Making opposition to govt. policy illegal
At a dinner once, I was given a licence to only say the word, "Dialec
#demographyisdestiny #Explainingleftism #ExposingLeftism #freedomofspeech #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #LeftismandIslam #Populationreplacement #Spain #TrojanHorse #VOXPartySpain
#VOXPartySpain #TrojanHorse #Spain #Populationreplacement #LeftismandIslam #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #freedomofspeech #ExposingLeftism #Explainingleftism #demographyisdestiny
Tucker Carlson for November 4th, 2022
For those of you who make it to 26 minutes and beyond, after watching that segment on the invasion of the USA from the Mexican Border, I would ask you to consider the following:
They have announced that you cannot enter the US without being vaccinated till at least January 8th, 2023. The US now being the ONLY country in the world with this
#Immigrationissues #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #Immigrationissues
Tom Harris: The scam of the climate crisis, and Ottawa’s authoritarian non-solution to the non-crisis
Anyone who is paying attention should know how important this information is since the UN, WEF and Google has created a totalitarian cabal to make sure you can
#CryptoEnvironmentalism #GlobalWarming #Immigrationissues #Ontario #Populationreplacement
#Populationreplacement #Ontario #Immigrationissues #GlobalWarming #CryptoEnvironmentalism
Tucker Carlson for September 26th, 2022, Critical Theory attacks by MSM against Meloni
The opening is all on Giorgia Meloni and its excellent. He actually checked the sources on her rather than the critical theory media a
#demographyisdestiny #Explainingleftism #FrankfurtSchool #GiorgiaMeloni #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Populationreplacement #TuckerCarlson
#TuckerCarlson #Populationreplacement #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #GiorgiaMeloni #FrankfurtSchool #Explainingleftism #demographyisdestiny
Dutch town of 10,000 brings in 3000 illegals
Please read the important story details at:
#demographyisdestiny #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Populationreplacement #TheNetherlands #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #TheNetherlands #Populationreplacement #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #demographyisdestiny
Two important speeches on immigration in Canada from conference in 2011
I have been going through old hard drives looking for a video I had from 2013 of testimony from one Aaron Weiss where he stood up to I think it was the New Jersey state legislator. At that time they were planning to confiscate guns from people's homes. Aaron
#Canada #Immigrationissues #LeftistactionsinCanada
#LeftistactionsinCanada #Immigrationissues #Canada
Interview with director of Immigration Watch Canada, Dan Murray
RAIR foundation has some important related articles and additional information on this topic at the link below.
#demographyisdestiny #Immigrationissues #InvasionofCanada #IslaminCanada #Populationreplacement #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Populationreplacement #IslaminCanada #InvasionofCanada #Immigrationissues #demographyisdestiny
The immigration line of effort to destroy all Western nation states as it is applied in Ireland
#demographyisdestiny #Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues #demographyisdestiny
How the new improved French see presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour
Please read details at RAIR
#demographyisdestiny #Elections #EricZemmour #France #Immigrationissues #implodingcivilization #InvasionofEurope #IslaminEurope #Populationreplacement #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Populationreplacement #IslaminEurope #InvasionofEurope #implodingcivilization #Immigrationissues #France #EricZemmour #Elections #demographyisdestiny
Videos and information on what now appears to be a Belarusian attack on the EU using trained Islamic terrorists
1. Video of migrants at border
2. Video of invasion of massive amounts of migrants across border station
#Immigrationissues #InvasionofEurope #Poland #TrojanHorse
#TrojanHorse #Poland #InvasionofEurope #Immigrationissues