RT @Teri_Kanefield@twitter.com
The party that just voted to exclude witnesses from the Senate Trial of Donald J. Trump is the party that forced @MonicaLewinsky@twitter.com to testify about intensely embarrassing personal details to embarrass a Democratic president.
The Party of Hypocrisy
#ImpeachmentTrialSham https://twitter.com/MonicaLewinsky/status/1223225337024303105
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield/status/1223381168252280832
Adorable how they expect the history books to reflect facts.
RT @CAPAction@twitter.activitypub.actor
BREAKING: Senate Republicans just voted to block all witness testimony and evidence in Trump's impeachment trial.
They will go down in history as accomplices who covered up Trump's crimes. #ImpeachmentTrialSham
RT @peterdaou@twitter.com
#McConnell should resign from the Senate immediately.
#Pelosi should resign her leadership position.
They have failed America, McConnell by running an #ImpeachmentTrialSham, Pelosi for shunning progressive calls to #ImpeachTrump in early 2019 for ALL his abuses.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/1223315480653565953
#impeachtrump #ImpeachmentTrialSham #pelosi #mcconnell