it's Monday!
So it's time for some Marine Meat on the menu.
Since I'm reading Steve Parker's "Deathwatch" at the moment (mixed experience for me so far, but I like the kill team Talon-guys), I'm giving you Maximmion "Omni" Voss. Short King, worshipper at the Temple of Iron and husbando to Zeed.
#Warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #ImperialFists #Deathwatch #WH40k #Warhammer40k
#warhammer #MarineMeatMonday #ImperialFists #Deathwatch #wh40k #warhammer40k
Relic Terminator squad, Black Templars.
Closeups on IG -
#Warhammer #wh40k #WarhammerCommunity #BlackTemplars #ImperialFists #HorusHeresy
#warhammer #WH40k #warhammercommunity #BlackTemplars #ImperialFists #horusheresy
Together, we are like FIST!
FIST! FIST! FIST! #warhammer30k #horusheresy #ImperialFists
#warhammer30k #horusheresy #ImperialFists
Completed this squad of Templar Brethren today
Need these guys for an event at the weekend, and I just have a Land Raider Proteus to finish to transport them!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingForgeWorld #PaintingWarhammer2023 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #TemplarBrethren #ConkersDeep #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #paintingwarhammer2023 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #templarbrethren #conkersdeep #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers
Painted up this pair of Sicarans for my Imperial Fists that I need for this weekends event!
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2023 #PaintingGamesWorkshop #Warhammer30000 #Warhammer30k #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #Sicaran #SicaranBattletank #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#warmongers #warhamFam #warhammercommunity #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2023 #paintinggamesworkshop #warhammer30000 #warhammer30k #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #sicaran #sicaranbattletank #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
In the very wee hours of this morning I finished off the Kratos for my Imperial Fists!
Left to paint for the Mighty Dice Event are a Sicaran, Land Raider and 10 Templar Brethren!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintinhWarhammer2023 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #VIIth #VIIthLegion #ImperialFists #Kratos #KratosHeavyAesaultTank #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintinhwarhammer2023 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #viith #viithlegion #ImperialFists #kratos #kratosheavyaesaulttank #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
Pretty much finished with Horus Heresy box and Boarding Actions. #warhammer40k #warhammer #spacenazis #ImperialFists #somuchyellow
#warhammer40k #warhammer #SpaceNazis #ImperialFists #somuchyellow
Got my Templar Brethren finished up, ten sword wielding maniacs ready to hack down the Heretics!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingForgeWorld #PaintingWarhammer2023 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #TemplarBrethren #TempleOfOaths #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #paintingwarhammer2023 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #templarbrethren #templeofoaths #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
Been working on some Templar Brethren for day 26 of the #HobbyStreak and I am really enjoying these!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #TemplarBrethren
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #templarbrethren
Got my Land Raider Proteus for the Imperial Fists finished this afternoon, very happy with this
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2023 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #LandRaider #LandRaiderProteus #LandRaiderProteusCarrier #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2023 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #landraider #landraiderproteus #landraiderproteuscarrier #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
On day 25 of the #HobbyStreak, I continue to work on the Land Raider Proteus and some Templar Brethern for my Imperial Fists!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #LandRaiderProteus
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #landraiderproteus
On Day 24 of the #HobbyStreak I started on my Templar Brethren for the Imperial Fists!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Paintslam23 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #HorusHeresy #TheHorusHeresy #ImperialFists #TemplarBrethren
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #horusheresy #thehorusheresy #ImperialFists #templarbrethren
I’ve been working on some assault intercessors as I prepare a boarding party for warhammer 40K games.
#ImperialFists #legionvii #warhammer #40k
Because Dorn and Perturabo had the spotlight yesterday ... they get it again today. No reason.
An older pic, but I still like the mood.
As usual - Big E's horrible non-parenting may be the root of about 95% of that rivalry. Like with mostly everything bad in the Warhammer-'verse.
#Warhammer #HorusHeresy #Primarchs #RogalDorn #ImperialFists #Perturabo #IronWarriors
#warhammer #horusheresy #primarchs #rogaldorn #ImperialFists #perturabo #ironwarriors
More #Chibi-Primarchs.
Name a more iconic duo of rivals! 😁
Except, maybe, other Primarch-brothers. They are not the most mellow guys.
And even with these two, I think Perturabo is more Dorn's rival than Dorn is Perturabo's rival. Infuriating Perturabo even more!
#Warhammer #Perturabo #RogalDorn #IronWarriors #ImperialFists #HorusHeresy #Primarch
#chibi #warhammer #perturabo #rogaldorn #ironwarriors #ImperialFists #horusheresy #Primarch
A good friend is currently building/painting the Alexis Polux-model and so I am legally obliged to draw both Polux' and Dantioch's Big Naturals!
Hey, their eyes are up here!
#Warhammer #ImperialFists #IronWarriors #HorusHeresy #Warsmith #SpaceMarines #BigNaturals
#warhammer #ImperialFists #ironwarriors #horusheresy #warsmith #SpaceMarines #bignaturals
For #HobbyStreak Day 8 I have finished up the Land Raider Spartan for the Imperial Fists!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer2023 #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIth #VIIthLegion #LandRaiderSpartan #Spartan #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer2023 #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viith #viithlegion #landraiderspartan #spartan #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
Today is day 5 of the #HobbyStreak
Here are a pair of Apothecaries for my Imperial Fists, looking forward to getting this army to the table!
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2023 #PaintingGamesWorkshop #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIthLegion #VIIth #Apothecaries #Apothecary #HardForHeresy #FullyPaintedIsForClosers #ConkersDeep
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2023 #paintinggamesworkshop #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viithlegion #viith #apothecaries #apothecary #hardforheresy #fullypaintedisforclosers #conkersdeep
Finished off an Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought last night, armed with a pair of Gravis Autocannons
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2023 #PaintingGamesWorkshop #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #TheHorusHeresy #HorusHeresy #ImperialFists #VIIthLegion #VIIth #ContemptorDreadnought #ContemptorMortisDreadnought #HardForHeresy #ConkersDeep #FullyPaintedIsForClosers
#warmongers #warhamFam #warhammercommunity #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer2023 #paintinggamesworkshop #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #thehorusheresy #horusheresy #ImperialFists #viithlegion #viith #contemptordreadnought #contemptormortisdreadnought #hardforheresy #conkersdeep #fullypaintedisforclosers
For #HobbyStreak Day 4 I have been unable to sleep and this have been working on these Apothecaries for my Imperial Fists, now at the stage where I am adding transfers and starting in the bases
#Warmongers #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer30k #Warhammer30000 #HorusHeresy #TheHorusHeresy #ImperialFists
#hobbystreak #warmongers #warhamFam #warhammercommunity #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #horusheresy #thehorusheresy #ImperialFists