@doot @neil @Crell

It is impossible to use Tor in to access and . If you try to visit humanservices.gov.au via you will see how bad the situation is.

People are going without basic social benefits.


#australia #socialsecurity #medicare #torbrowser #HumanServices #ImprisonList #akamai #dotconned

Last updated 1 year ago

"Moderna CEO made $400M last year—2,435X the median salary of employees"

Give a warm welcome to Evil, everybody.

#moderna #bigpharma #moneyPrinterGoDrr #EmergencyUse #covid #liquidityInjection #grifters #ImprisonList

Last updated 1 year ago

- Kicks the climate can down the road while robbing the next generation.
- Disturbs weather patterns in ways that are most likely to benefit the abuser.
- Pollutes the and creates problems.
- Enables class to continue exploiting people and places.

We say "Prison for polluting " who even **think** to call a public service.

#environment #health #billionaire #plutocrats #geoengineering #ImprisonList #imperialism #colonialism #pollution

Last updated 1 year ago

"We will protect you from , crimes and ," says CloudFlare.

Enter from stage-left, .

"Hold my beer?"

The vast majority of sites affected by the perpetrated by , were either or Amazon . It's as if using those services is a litmus-test for ''.

#cyberattacks #suspiciousActivity #SamBankmanFried #fraud #ftx #cloudflare #Cloudfront #stupid #ImprisonList #usei2p #legacyInternet #banking #investment #reverseproxy #cdn #cdns

Last updated 2 years ago

Agree that avoiding temptation is important but politicians should be paid a decent wage, and be guaranteed a modest wage for at least 15 years after.

Nancy Pelosi condoning a year ago, and her engagement in such should be condemned.


#insidertrading #nancypelosi #ImprisonList

Last updated 2 years ago

There is much furore in about ex-PM subverting democratic processes during .

You could have gaslit us!

Australia, and generally, has **not** been a democracy for a while, but an autocracy. Funny how anyone who says this is classified a "conspiracy theorist".

#australia #scottmorrison #covid #OREALLY #theWest #ImprisonList #autocracy #jobkeeper #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bigpharma

Last updated 2 years ago

Does roll out the glass box for trials involving actual too, or is it just for the publishers that reveal the ?

#BelmarshPrison #warcriminals #warcrimes #ImprisonList #tonyblair #tonybLiar #WMDs

Last updated 3 years ago

WARMONGER AND EU Chief, just twatted, "This must be won on the battlefield".

By that he means the 17,000 people we used Facebook Groups to were exported to to die, and make look like the bad guy.

What a nice guy.

#foreignpolicy #josepborrell #war #mentallyUnstable #brainwash #ukraine #russia #genocidal #eu #deathcult #ww3 #mh #ImprisonList #facebookgroups #foreigninterference #warmonger

Last updated 3 years ago

Wonder what Julian would be thinking about the current push for a fresh, new war ?

Maybe he would ask, at what time do we process the from the last 20 years? Starting with , , Obama and Hillary and the military generals who supplied them .

#distraction #warcriminals #georgeBush #tonyblair #falseNarratives #ImprisonList

Last updated 3 years ago

This relates to , perhaps. Julian in 2012 revealed he had on such venerable personalities as .

We know are controlled largely by (its an abomination that last month endorsed such as part of the "". Sad to see her whitewash . Add to ).

How do they control others for whom may not work?



#wikileaks #insuranceFiles #rupertmurdoch #politicians #insidertrading #nancypelosi #freemarket #whitecollarcrime #ImprisonList #insidetrading

Last updated 3 years ago

Some terrible leaders you seem to have there.

What really took the cake(s) was the announcement that who should be in prison right now, would be made a Sir.


#warcriminal #tonyblair #ImprisonList #JailTheWarCriminals

Last updated 3 years ago

We talked about how is being perverted, yesterday (see hashtag).

Another example of being an extreme violator of .

Its their new industry.

Its "" because no increase in of resources/energy. They've been pining to decouple growth for years but using COVID is wrong.


#healthinsurance #corporateState #humandecency #growth #goodGrowth #consumption #neofeudalism #compliance #obey #bigpharma #bigtech #ImprisonList #AlbertBourla #solicitation #crimesagainsthumanity #fascism

Last updated 3 years ago

Do people really trust (mostly) Cloudflare websites to tell them who the billionaire, child abusers are though?

We can't say we do.

We prefer to keep an to be honest.


#psyops #ImprisonList #astroturf

Last updated 3 years ago

The only thing we care to remember from that day was some myopic and corrupted (husband is ) judge decided to keep Assange in prison for no reason whatsoever and any reasons given have been debunked by concrete evidence.

" is the label we give her and those ppl speaking in the above video.


#MICIMATT #CouldUseNoTongue #ImprisonList

Last updated 3 years ago

Is anyone in keeping a record of the forcing ppl to be experimented on by in order to feed themselves?

If not, and you consume the , consider the hashtag (Forced Injection of BigPharma ImprisonList).

Include the state they supposedly operate for.

We will need a very precise in the months or years ahead if medicated people begin to develop serious .

#australia #centralPlanners #bigpharma #legacyNews #ImprisonList #auspol #publichealth #FIBPIL #australian #illness

Last updated 3 years ago

"Its about . When people go about their day they want to know that the people they interact with all celebrate like we do."

~ reading between the lines of 's quote on supposed "confidence".

#confidence #bigpharma #politicians #jacindaardern #confidenceTrick #centralPlanners #deathcult #ImprisonList

Last updated 3 years ago

We can envisage a world where we in the streets over — that stuff is awful.

Its more difficult to envisage over printing money for corporations they're invested in and when exposed they simply step down rather than go to prison.

That stuff is hard.


#riot #vinegarSteam #protest #centralBankers #ImprisonList #robertKaplan #boston #dallas

Last updated 3 years ago