We now have #InOurTime podcasts on Elizabeth Anscombe (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001n1yy) and Iris Murdoch (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0010q90). Mary Midgley appeared on the programme in 1998 (Science in the 20th Century: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p005457h).
So I think we're just waiting for a programme on Philippa Foot.
#InOurTime diesmal mit einem zumindest peripher bibliothekarischen/bibliometrischen Thema: In Our Time: Paul Erdős
(die Erdős-Nummer kommt aber erst am Ende vor)
Episode webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001jc68
A searchable archive of In Our Time episodes. 💕
Got you set for podcast listening for the next year or so.
#history #podcasts #bbc #InOurTime #sciencePodcast #HistoryPodcasts
Thanks to @ryanfoxlee for letting me know about it.
#history #podcasts #bbc #InOurTime #sciencepodcast #HistoryPodcasts
What the #Tories want to and are, taking us back to... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001hx7n
#InOurTime #Chartists
Listening to the #InOurTime podcast about superconductivity, for the first time I heard a physicist try to explain physics via a cognitive metaphor, rather than the other way around.
May have broken the record for shortest period between learning about a new topic* and suggesting it for an #InOurTime episode
*#AbyWarburg's #Mnemosyne Atlas
#InOurTime #abywarburg #mnemosyne
#bbcr4 #DeweyDecimalSystem #InOurTime
Listening to #InOurTime this week was a reminder of the reasons for #Brexit. From the 19thC London’s liquid sewage was pumped into the Thames; solids from 8 million Londoners were dumped in the North Sea. This went on until 1998 (!) when the #EU brought the law to #ThamesWater, and insisted on safe alternatives. And what did #UKGovt do as soon as it could? They let the water co’s start pumping sewage into our waterways again. That’s what Brexit means: Shit in our rivers, shit on our beaches.
#InOurTime #brexit #EU #thameswater #UKGovt
Fine episode of #InOurTime on #JohnDonne, as rich in theology & spirituality as in poetry. Every dean’s favourite poet, surely? #StPaulsCathedral (where he was dean) might have a view.
#stpaulscathedral #johndonne #InOurTime
https://t.co/AI8hKiw25N #bbc #InOurTime #JohnRawls. Only the #bbc does this - lifting the veil of ignorance. At #bbcradio4 #BBCSounds Reading list attached:
#bbc #InOurTime #johnrawls #bbcradio4 #BBCSounds
Interesting history. I need to relisten tomorrow because I retain too little of this one. I have learned more history from In Our Time than all of school.
[In Our Time] The Irish Rebellion of 1798 #inOurTime
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/151015404 via @PodcastAddict
Nobody on #InOurTime seems AT ALL fazed by the fact that the consultants on the great Bazalgette Sewage Scheme of the 1860s were called Galton & Simpson...
RT @BBCInOurTime@twitter.com
Available now on @bbcsounds@twitter.com The Great Stink of 1858 https://bbc.in/3Cb45ui
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BBCInOurTime/status/1608428975524560897
Someone wise once told me to "learn something about everything and everything about something". BBC's "In our time" is an ideal companion for the former. The episode about "1816 - The Year Without a Summer" was incredible. Give it a listen!
#maryshelley #lordbyron #frankenstein #1816summer #bbcr4 #inourtime https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b077j4yv
#MaryShelley #lordbyron #frankenstein #1816summer #bbcr4 #InOurTime
BBC’s #InOurTime radio show/podcast is almost always a treat. The episode on Persuasion by #JaneAusten is fantastic. #MelvynBragg does a great job selecting and corralling experts.
#InOurTime #JaneAusten #melvynbragg
We're very lucky to have #InOurTime: it's like university lectures that anyone can sit in on. And for once, the gif is entirely appropriate.
RT @BBCInOurTime@twitter.com
Today: "You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man." https://bbc.in/3Fx9cWk Citizen Kane 9am @BBCRadio4@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BBCInOurTime/status/1603290760534667265
Any other #InOurTime enthusiasts here? I enthusiastically await the broadcast (well, as I listen to them, #podcast at least) of each new episode.
This recent one in which Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the Challenger Expedition of 1872-1876 was particularly interesting. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001fcvd #bbcradio4 #science #history #naturalhistory #oceanography #biology #marinelife
#InOurTime #podcast #bbcradio4 #science #history #naturalhistory #oceanography #biology #marinelife
Falling asleep with: Mathematics and Platonism - #InOurTime https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0054799
I've been listening to the #BBC 's #InOurTime for years now. The episode I heard today, about #WilfredOwen is perhaps unique. Rather than merely asking his guests questions, or to read a few lines, #MelvynBragg himself intervenes to read the end of *Dulce et Decorum Est*.
Poems that are dear to his heart, it seems. Merited.
(An unusual ending to the episode too...)
#bbc #InOurTime #WilfredOwen #MelvynBragg #wwi