> I can live with all the replies to the tune of “You idiot, you hate war, but email was invented by the military” because I can both filter them out and auto-reply to them with links to careful explanations of where email came from, why it doesn’t matter, and how much better off we’d be investing in technology through anything other than a mass-murder operation.
> So, stop complaining about your damn emails!
#DavidSwanson on #EMail #InPraiseOfEmail
#InPraiseOfEmail #email #DavidSwanson
> I can live with all the replies to the tune of “You idiot, you hate war, but email was invented by the military” because I can both filter them out and auto-reply to them with links to careful explanations of where email came from, why it doesn’t matter, and how much better off we’d be investing in technology through anything other than a mass-murder operation.
> So, stop complaining about your damn emails!
#DavidSwanson on #EMail #InPraiseOfEmail
#InPraiseOfEmail #email #DavidSwanson