Next picture shows #LeverageRPG, #FengShui2, #Inspectres, #Fiasco, #Microscope, #Kingdom, #NightWitches, #Monsterhearts, #Durace, #%MouseGuard, #Cabal, #NovaPraxis, #EclipsePhase, #Spark, #PasthumanPathways, #Analise, #Hollowpoint, HeroQuestGlorantha, #13thAgeGlorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg .3/6
#leveragerpg #FengShui2 #InSpectres #Fiasco #microscope #kingdom #nightwitches #monsterhearts #durace #cabal #novapraxis #eclipsephase #spark #pasthumanpathways #analise #hollowpoint #13thageglorantha #shelfie #ttrpg #rpg
Okay. #7TTRPGs that influenced me!
#AmberDiceless - VERY formative for me in learning to GM
#Deadlands - opened up more genres for me
#InSpectres - how I discovered the joy of players defining things
#DontRestYourHead - got me more into collaborative scenario creation
#Fiasco - my introduction to GMless games
#LadyBlackbird - opened up more effective ideas for prompt-based improv for me
#PbtA (in general) - got me thinking in terms of the story driving the rolls instead of vice/versa
#7ttrpgs #amberdiceless #deadlands #InSpectres #dontrestyourhead #Fiasco #ladyblackbird #pbta
Just seeing the #5and5 #ttrpg thing!
Last month the HTML Wanderpus crew played a BUNCH of indie games, so there's lots to choose from!
(Some of the) last 5 systems played:
Ones we'll absolutely be playing in the future:
#5and5 #ttrpg #QuestRPG #tencandles #MouseGuard #glitterhearts #InSpectres #bladesinthedark #MorkBorg #wagonwheel #troika #BrindlewoodBay
So, jumping on the new meme
5 Games I have played, in no order
5 Games I want to GM (out of many many many)
Honestly, you could probably talk me in to GMind just about anything.
#vtm #mta #InSpectres #callofcthulhu #HeavyGear #bladesinthedark #TimeWatch #deltagreen #Deviant #FateofCthulhu