A northern flicker outside our kitchen window a couple of days ago. It was just after sunrise on a rainy day, so it was darker than usual. And I cannot hold cameras straight (I'm lazy about it) so I turnt the picture a little.
I searched back to see when I last used my Canonet QL17 camera and it was in 2014. I used a Canonet almost every day for twenty years before then. I owned six or eight of them through that time, buying others' castaways and using them until I could no longer.
[Note to self: I must get a roll of film through the working one again.]
This was a tiny fragment of a frame on that last roll in my Canonet, a reflection of a group of people underneath my office doing something in the rain. I don't know what they were doing, but it looked official since they all were wearing the same kind of rain gear.
Kodak ColorPlus 200 film.
#believeinfilm #rangefinder #InTheRain