David Olmsted · @DavidOlmsted
48 followers · 41 posts · Server hcommons.social

The crescent moon goddess named Ayu is mentioned in many Alphabetic Akkadian texts around the Mediterranean (Druid Texts). Sumerians called her Inanna and Mesopotamians called her Ishtar. Her epithet is"Reed Boat" due to its crescent shape. She is the deity responsible for shaping the life network which brings life powers to earth. When she cuts a thread of life she can bring death. Her agents in editing the network are eagle-vultures which became the Griffins of later mythology.

Usually she is represented as a crescent moon so anthropomorphic images are rare. This one showing with an eagle-vulture head is from Cyprus dating to about 1250 BCE. She is also characterized by having hands just under her breasts. This one also has crescent moon ears.

#archaeology #mythology #ayu #goddess #Pagan #moon #Inanna

Last updated 2 years ago

Rozie Suppozie · @rozietoez
35 followers · 23 posts · Server eightpoint.app

Hi, I’m Rosie. I’m a 50 year old woman, a , a lapsed dancer, and a thwarted writer. I’m , , and have —hence the thwarted writing. I do hashtags poorly. I am one of the , my sisters in , tho in my youth* I gave myself to the . I’m a sucker for , myths/languages/verse forms. I play , mostly 5e now, but I’ve played lots and have a soft spot for and

#trans #lesbian #disabled #Autistic #plural #adhd #kallai #Inanna #Morrigan #Arthuriana #celtic #ttrpgs #storygames #pbta

Last updated 2 years ago