The boogeyman has ALWAYS been inclusion - they just have different names for it. #HopeNotHate #InclusiveEducation
#InclusiveEducation #hopenothate
Please join us for The Grading Conference on June 9th and 10th virtually! Registration for 2023 The Grading Conference - Higher Ed STEM Focus is now open! Register here:
#highered #stemeducation #ungrading #alternativegrading #inclusiveeducation
#InclusiveEducation #alternativegrading #ungrading #STEMEducation #highered
I might be biased but our masters in #InclusiveEducation really is a jewel in our PGT crown! We have some fabulous alumni doing great work in schools across Scotland and beyond! Why not think about joining us in 2023?
I'm AnnieG from #Calgary. I'm a parent, #improv performer, director and coach. I study #psychology, and am interested in #cognitive processes involved in #improvisation and #comedy.
Additional tags of interest: #neuroscience, #cognition, #mentalhealth, #creativity, #humour, #abpoli, #yyc, #yyccc, #ableg, #neurodiversity, #inclusiveeducation, #transrights,#socialjustice, #enviromentalism,
#satire, #urbangardening, #rockymountains, #Alberta, #Canada, #digitalethics
#digitalethics #Canada #alberta #RockyMountains #urbangardening #satire #enviromentalism #socialjustice #transrights #InclusiveEducation #neurodiversity #ableg #yyccc #yyc #abpoli #humour #creativity #mentalhealth #cognition #neuroscience #comedy #improvisation #cognitive #psychology #improv #calgary #introduction
Good Morning ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ ! I have a great opportunity to visit University of Stirling.
#InclusiveEducation #teachereducation