· @samurro
53 followers · 963 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Why does look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them can't compete with the above two in my eyes.

#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont

Last updated 2 years ago

· @samurro
53 followers · 963 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Why does look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them don't compared to the above two in my eyes.

#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont

Last updated 2 years ago