Showing kids in Byåsen Kirkes Barnehage in #Trondheim that fish doesn’t grow in the supermarket! They got to touch, smell, fillet and cook a fresh caught salmon with
Martin Dorber from #IndEcol #NTNU .
One last thing before the holidays. I plan some home (to #indecol) and licence change (to #lgpl3) for #pymrio and the #countryconverter #coco (both in #Python ) early 2023. Feedback is very much appreciated at
1. Pymrio:
2. Coco:
This is an effort to emphasis the community aspect of both project and to increase reuse potential.
#pymrio #IndEcol #countryconverter #python #lgpl3 #coco
Thanks, wanted something a bit wider then #IndEcol , there is a lot of research coming from people not really identifying with it - believe it's more inclusive.
You might also be interested in our #zenodo community:
Industrial Ecology Lighthouse Toot
Currently (Nov 22) there is no industrial ecology content (hashtags etc.) on Mastodon. So here a beacon to help us connect, please boost to pass on.
#InputOutput #MultiRegionalInputOutput
#IndustrialEcology #IndEcol #InputOutput #MultiRegionalInputOutput #lifecycleassessment #lca #MaterialFlowAnalysis #mfa #QuantitativeSustainability #sustainability #MRIO #EEMRIO