Today in Labor History June 26, 1975: FBI provoked a shootout with members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) at Oglala, South Dakota. The deadly firefight left two FBI agents and Lakota activist Joe Stuntz dead. Two AIM leaders were prosecuted for the FBI deaths and found innocent. A third AIM activist, Leonard Peltier was later framed by undercover FBI agents who were conducting counterintelligence on the reservation. During the trial, some of the government’s own witnesses testified that Peltier wasn’t even present at the scene of the killings and the judge disallowed some of the same evidence that helped acquit his comrades in the earlier trial. In 2017, President Obama denied Peltier's application for clemency. He is still in prison and his health has been deteriorating. There is a petition to get him transferred from prison to Mayo clinic in Minnesota. On June 7, 2022, The UN Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found that Peltier’s imprisonment violates the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #LeonardPeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #indegenous #prison #racism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #leonardpeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #Indegenous #prison #racism
Erin Genia could use our help with this unique and powerful art project.
#eringenia #sisseton #Indegenous #nativeart #dakota #nicoletttower #decolonize #southdakota #morningstar #publicart
#publicart #morningstar #southdakota #decolonize #nicoletttower #dakota #nativeart #Indegenous #sisseton #eringenia
Amazon Indigenous woman wins Goldman environment prize | The Independent
#Indegenous #GoldmanEnviromentPrize #woman #amazon #brazil #Munduruku
Today in Labor History April 18, 1977: Native American activist Leonard Peltier was found guilty of murdering two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation. However, he was actually framed by undercover FBI agents who were conducting counterintelligence on the reservation. During the trial, some of the government’s own witnesses testified that Peltier wasn’t even present at the scene of the killings. In 2017, President Obama denied Peltier's application for clemency. He is still in prison and his health has been deteriorating. There is a petition to get him transferred from prison to Mayo clinic in Minnesota. On June 7, 2022, The UN Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found that Peltier’s imprisonment violates the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #LeonardPeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #indegenous #prison #racism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #leonardpeltier #fbi #obama #AmericanIndianMovement #Indegenous #prison #racism
The Yanomami will need a lot of help, they already lost so much due to rampant #mining and the poisoning op their earth and water.
#Brazil #yanomami #indegenous #tribal
#tribal #Indegenous #yanomami #brazil #mining
#Evil is built-in to the system. #Society is a monster that controls all within.
You know you have no control over that thing, and you need to do what it tells you to do.
The US top economic 10% holds 70% of wealth while the bottom 50% hold only 2% of total wealth. We in the working-class fight each other like the violent primates we are over that 2%.
Modern society is a calamity.
Ruling-classes know how to foment calamity and violence within the credulous masses.
Every industry has their hands around another industry's throats, and all the minions are happy and loving it, while they tear each other down and create the most extreme structural violence in history.
People's beliefs in the system did that. We can only learn beliefs from the society in which we live.
Modern society is one big cop show in which everyone polices each other. Yep, you see it now. How people talk to each other. How they gather data on everyone else to elevate their perceptions of their own little lives. Each is a tyrant over the other in modern culture. We all know this... if we contemplate it for a minute... because the working-class are victims of each other... while the ruling-class gets a sick satisfaction from seeing us at each others throats.
In an #indigenous tribe, each member gets taught how to fill the needs of the whole tribe. In modern society, not one group of experts can understand the whole thing, and a working-class understanding of reality is overwhelmingly mostly magical-thinking, which is to say no real understanding of how the society in which we live actually functions.
We are in the dark, yet imagine we are great because the technology we don't understand is great. Modern society is built on the malice of a few and the delusions of many.
We don't know shit about our own culture, then look hypocritically down on 'primitive' people who actually happen to know way more than we do. Each member of a small culture learns how to keep the whole culture functioning and how to fill the needs of all equally. Here we don't even know how to fill our own emotional needs which is why half of us are on anti-depressants.
Each child must learn love all in the culture for it to survive, parents in the USA are the worst parents in the world who allowed gun violence to become the leading cause of death for their children.
The complexity of modern culture is implicitly evil, and then add the malicious and self-absorbed intentions that is its governing ethos.
We all believe humanity is violent because we are told to believe that. We believe society itself is violent and so we must be violent within it because we are told to believe that, and once we believe it becomes reality.
If we are taught to believe the world is full of monster... it means we are taught to believe we are monsters.... and so once we believe... we do become monsters.
#Indegenous cultures only survive through #love and #solidarity, whereas our version of modern culture somehow runs on greed, malice and self-absorption. Compassion that affords human survival and continuance is seen as an irrational behavior, instinct, and emotion in modern society.
Indigenous cultures call our modern culture insane, because it is.
#CLASSWAR #politics #antropology #sociology
Good luck #generation #Alpha. You have been left a calamity they tell you is wonderful. Do not believe anything any of the previous generations tell you about how the world is, how it's suppose-to be, and who you are supposed-to be within it. All previous generations are incompetent. Look at the fucking place.
Modern culture is psychological coercion.
#evil #society #indigenous #Indegenous #love #solidarity #classwar #politics #Antropology #sociology #generation #alpha
Insurekcjonizm w tzw. USA ma się dobrze. Poniższy wpis zawiera pamflet oraz spis 50 akcji bezpośrednich wraz linkami do innych indymediów lub korporacyjnej prasy. Smacznego!
"Kontynuując tę myśl, jak można rozszerzyć zakres działań poza ośrodki pro-life? Jane’s Revenge stała się zasadniczo nieformalną siecią ataku, do której zachęcamy każdą anarchistkę i w której komunikacja między sobą odbywa się głównie poprzez akcje i ich komunikaty. Oznacza to, że to, co jednostka lub grupa jednostek robi i mówi w tych kontekstach, ma większy niż zwykle wpływ na zmianę przebiegu akcji i dyskursu wokół niej. Jaki potencjał oferuje ten rodzaj sieci, który nie został jeszcze zbadany? Ci, którzy wzięli na cel Urząd Stanowy w Vermont, jak również pomalowanie sprayem i podpalenie kościoła na przedmieściach Wirginii oraz decyzja o obraniu za cel darczyńców ośrodka pro-life w Oregonie, oferują pewne sugestie."
#USA #Insurrection #DirectAction #JanesRevenge #Indegenous #Anarchism #AkcjaBezpośrednia #RdzennaLudność #Anarchizm
#usa #insurrection #directaction #JanesRevenge #Indegenous #anarchism #akcjabezposrednia #rdzennaludnosc #anarchizm
i can't think of a better anecdote to convey so simply how needed are democratic neighborhood councils, like the ones #bookchin advocated and #Indegenous ppl around the world practice to this day. we have no good way to solve our problems, and we inherit these unsolved problems to the youth.
also, the deafening noise is killing my soul. 3rd night in a row.
#anarchism #Indegenous #bookchin