petersuber · @petersuber
4352 followers · 1124 posts · Server

How can we improve the odds of blocking or identifying research ?

Among the suggestions here: should openly share , , and . should usually require it. services should reward the journals that do.

#PeerReview #opensource #opendata #openaccess #Indexing #journals #preprints #code #data #authors #misconduct

Last updated 1 year ago

Hülya Avcı🦋 · @HulyaAvci
185 followers · 81 posts · Server

📝 Wrap-ups: First, I learned how to write a book index – a bit of a mess though – next, created two book indexes for two great books on teaching and teacher education with multiple topics. 🌷 Learning is such a good thing.

#phdlife #publication #Indexing

Last updated 2 years ago

Anarcho Doggo · @AnarchoDoggo
476 followers · 311 posts · Server

@SuitedUpDev I'm sure you're seeing it already but you're gonna get a lot of pushback around an opt-out model for @threadunroller. I think it's a very useful service and I've used similar tools on twitter but there are lots of people who don't share my perspective and have really strong feelings about , , and

I outlined some thoughts here:

But wanted to mention one other thought...I think a way to alleviate any opt-in / opt-out concerns would be to only trigger your bot if the person tagging the the thread is the OP. That way if ppl want to read a thread in longform or save for later they can just ask OP to tag; and only include posts from that user's handle. If people feel strongly enough to instance block, this seems like a way to alleviate any concerns.

#search #Indexing #Archiving

Last updated 2 years ago