महामारी, महामंदी और महा जन सम्मोहन, महा जन पागलपन।
#economiccrisis #CoronavirusPandemic #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
How fascists, the capitalist class "managers" work, and without shame, while their Bhakts clap, preparing their own graveyards!
CA. We defeat them without understanding and waging a restless class struggle? #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #IndiaStrikesAgainstModiGovt
#IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #IndiaStrikesAgainstModiGovt
How fascists, the capitalist class "managers" work, and without shame, while their Bhakts clap, preparing their own graveyards! #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #IndiaStrikesAgainstModiGovt https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/us-based-scholar-who-conferred-pm-modi-with-philip-kotler-award-to-get-padma-bhushan-1640362-2020-01-26?fbclid=IwAR3sLt9e9jVfPZBIBZPaE4jNOoF3l7Pz9XzGx6dCCO29_W9tOYcA6_QNM_0
#IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #IndiaStrikesAgainstModiGovt
Why not other states, who claim to be with #NRC_CAA_Protest? Or was it only a lip service & internally support RSS/BJP?
#ShaheenBagh #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #NRC_CAA_Protest
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
Women in Varanasi detained by police for peaceful protest against #CAA_NRC.
Video : @SalmanNizami_@twitter.com
#CAA_NRC #CAA_NRC_Protests #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
जी हां, सुप्रीम कोर्ट #CAA पर स्टे लगा सकता था! पर सोचो, न्यायालय किस के लिए काम कर रहा है? #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC https://www.bbc.com/hindi/india-51205894
बिनय न मानत जलधि जड़ गए तीनि दिन बीति।
बोले राम सकोप तबभय बिनु होइ न प्रीति॥
29 जनवरी भारत बंद #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
झांसी की रानी के विषय में पढ़ा और सुना, अब लाइव देख रहे है, लखनऊ में ये माँ जो अपने बेटे को गोद में ले कर संविधान की रक्षा के लिए संघर्ष कर रही है. ये नजारा हर जगह दिख रहा है, दिल्ली, लखनऊ, भोपाल, हैदराबाद, सब जगह
नमन है इस माँ को
#IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #ProudOfYouShaheenBagh
डेमोक्रेटिक इनडेक्स में भारत 10 अंक गिरा! भाजपा, आरएसएस प्रजातंत्र के लिए खराब हैं।
फासीवाद को ध्वस्त करो! #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
डेमोक्रेटिक इनडेक्स में भारत 10 अंक गिरा! फासीवाद को ध्वस्त करो! #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
#Watch | On camera, women at #CAA protest in Uttar Pradesh's Etawah chased, thrashed by cops.
https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/caa-protest-in-up-etawah-on-camera-women-at-caa-protest-in-up-chased-thrashed-by-cops-2167825 #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #CAA_NRC_Protest #CAAagainstConstitution
#watch #caa #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC #CAA_NRC_Protest #CAAAgainstConstitution
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
Lakhs of people gathered in Gulbarga Karnataka today to protest against #CAA_NRC_NPR .
Hundreds of thousands People turned on flashlight of their mobiles, this is amazing.
#CAA_NRC_NPR #शाह_पर_भारी_शहीनबाग #CAA_NPR_Protest #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
"Band karo pradarshan (protest), traffic jam laga hai"
@sushant_says@twitter.com at #ShaheenBaghProtest 😍😍👌
#Shaheenbaghprotest #CAA_NRC_Protests #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
This is what has happened with this "illegal immigrant" bogey. With police and city corps using it freely to get support from the bigoted public and no verification at all, slums are being erased without any recourse to residents. #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
If you are against #Fascism, you must be part of a revolutionary party on ground as well as on social media! #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
This is from Clock Tower, Lucknow.
Time : 4:40 AM
Yesterday UP Police confiscated their tents, food, blankets etc but these brave women didn't stop their protests.
Chanting Azadi slogan at 4.40 AM 😍
#CAA_NRC_Protests #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
Read this article.
23 people who sacrificed their life during #CAA_NRC_Protests in Uttar Pradesh.
They are martyrs, everyone should know their name and face.
#CAA_NRC_Protests #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @imMAK02@twitter.activitypub.actor
This is from Clock Tower, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
UP Police intimidating protesters, confiscating their goods and now allowing them to sit on peaceful protest.
Many women are sitting on protest at Clock Tower like #ShaheenBaghProtest .
#Shaheenbaghprotest #CAA_NRC_Protests #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @newsclickin@twitter.activitypub.actor
An #AntiCAA protest similar to that of #ShaheenBagh happening in Lucknow.
#AntiCAA #ShaheenBagh #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
Must read thread on gender and religious transition of the 2paise boys of IT cell! #IndiaAgainstCAA_NRC
RT @samjawed65@twitter.com
Thought I would check how the ‘Muslim’ handles who had pledged their support to #CAA are doing. Thread 1/n👇