#Native children and U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland are under legal attack in Brackeen v. Haaland. The powerful people behind the lawsuit include both #BigOil and the State of #Texas. If their attempt to have a conservative-majority Supreme Court overturn the #IndianChildWelfareAct is successful, the door will be open to the total elimination of #TribalSovereignty.
Take action now to stop this horrific attack on Native rights!
#protecticwa #ICWA #tribalsovereignty #IndianChildWelfareAct #texas #bigoil #native
Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families
Nearly 700 Native American children in South Dakota are being removed from their homes every year, sometimes in questionable circumstances.
#NativeFosterCare #nativeamericans #IndianChildWelfareAct
A good explainer on what's at stake with the right-wing challenge to the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act. The case was argued before the Supremes this week, and the Court is expected to rule sometime next summer.
#indigenous #scotus #IndianChildWelfareAct #ICWA
RT @BasavIPS@twitter.com
Important thread by @IkiyaCollective@twitter.com exposing the ties between Big Oil and the sinister right-wing forces attacking the #IndianChildWelfareAct and tribal sovereignty. https://twitter.com/IkiyaCollective/status/1590011819086995457
π¦π: https://twitter.com/BasavIPS/status/1590044859200507904