TV-Recaps-Reviews · @tvrecapsreviews
124 followers · 1287 posts · Server
hollie · @hollie
1326 followers · 3774 posts · Server

I don't know if anyone else watches Indian Matchmaking but I'm so invested in Nadia and Arshneel finding the right person. I totally sucked Greg into this show and we are both rooting so hard for Arshneel especially. Loves dogs, wants to meet his best friend, thinks the most important thing in a marriage is being there for each other. Come on, matchmaker! Find him the girl!


Last updated 1 year ago

Jonobie · @jonobie
911 followers · 1153 posts · Server

I have to chuckle every time Sima in gets frustrated when people are “too picky” or “want 100%”. She sounds so aggrieved! And yet, even though I would find her style grating, she often (at least in what they edit and show) show her making suggestions that are reasonable, and her clients seem to mostly listen to her. Also, it’s so fascinating watching all the different cultures and subcultures swirl together and apart in the series.


Last updated 2 years ago

TV-Recaps-Reviews · @tvrecapsreviews
105 followers · 888 posts · Server
Pressepfarrerin · @pressepfarrerin
338 followers · 376 posts · Server

Wegen Harry und Meghan hab ich wieder Netflix und gucke jetzt die 2. Staffel . Die wohlerzogene indische Heiratskandidatin begrüßt die Heiratsvermittlerin mit angedeutetem Fußkuss, einer Art Hofknicks mit seitlicher Zielrichtung und ein Kerl ist ein Hühnerbaron oder besser gesagt ein Hühnerequipmentbaron aus einer Kleinstadt.


Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda Parsons · @amandaparsons
26 followers · 98 posts · Server

Netflix is the hardest for me to do, because I give something a thumbs up and take it off my list when I'm done.
I watch a lot of and a mix of shows.
This is a selection of it I can remember so far





I'm currently watching The Crown and I might be a season behind on Master of None. I started Money Heist.

Sci Fi/Fantasy/Comics
I'm a season behind on Raising Dion, Fate, Outlander, etc

Reality TV


I'm behind on

Also AppleTV


Some of

Sorry for the crazy posts. That's it for now 😜

#standupcomedy #avatarthelastairbender #thedragonprince #trollhunters #brooklynninenine #TheChair #thegoodplace #neverhaveiever #schittscreek #you #Murderville #squidgame #breakingbad #Bridgerton #Heartstopper #sexeducation #ThisIsUs #bureauofmagicalthings #lucifer #LockeAndKey #thesandman #sense8 #strangerthings #umbrellaacademy #BlingEmpire #datedandrelated #LoveIsBlind #IndianMatchmaking #toohottohandle #freshofftheboat #blackish #DefendingJacob #bigbangtheory #survivor #quantumleap #maskedsinger #whodoyouthinkyouare #poldark

Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda Parsons · @amandaparsons
26 followers · 98 posts · Server

I have no idea what I'm doing 😂 I was only given a handful of servers I could join.

I chose , because I lived there in 2003 when I got my teaching degree. I lived in

I have briefly lived in England to teach Years 7-9 but I identify more with my time in Australia.

I'm actually in and have seen shoot on my street/neighborhood along with I'm not up to date on HT, Titans and haven't seen Expanse. shoots here too. 🖖

I play on Saturdays. We prefer & but our DM likes and blends 2E with 5E. We've also tried RPGs too. 😁🧝🎲📜⚔️

I tend to watch like and reality shows like when my brain has gone kaput for the day/night 😜

I recently watched as I'm half (and half ) and have been to my ancestral home in ) It reminds me of and and made me cry. I love though. 🤩

One of my favorite actors is He's my Doctor from and I thought he was brilliant in and We met at 🤩

I came here because I like too 😁 apparently we're supposed to use hashtags. I hope I'm doing this right 😜😁

#australia #kingswood #penrith #nsw #southampton #canadian #toronto #startrekdiscovery #theboys #handmaidstale #umbrellaacademy #americangods #theexpanse #titans #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #dnd #foundry #dungeonalchemist #roll20 #rifts #cortex #marvel #trashtv #BlingEmpire #LoveIsBlind #IndianMatchmaking #toohottohandle #survivor #dancingwiththestars #fromscratch #sicilian #chinese #terminiimmerse #ThisIsUs #greysanatomy #zoesaldana #mattsmith #doctorwho #thecrown #HouseoftheDragon #fanexpo #anthonyrapp

Last updated 2 years ago

ashok karri · @AshKarr
85 followers · 4393 posts · Server