Finally able to catch a sunset!
Not quite as spectacular as I'd hoped, but it was nice all the same.
Nice to use PhotoPills to scope out a point where I could get both of the Clee Hills in shot too.
#Shropshire #Sunset #SunsetPhoto #Evening #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #ShropshireHills #IndianSummer #September #CleeHills
#cleehills #september #IndianSummer #shropshirehills #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #evening #sunsetphoto #Sunset #shropshire
Edinburgh in the sun is a different Edinburgh. I think I like it. I asked if I could take their photograph, they said yes and began to giggle. #indiansummer
The late summer sun,
greeted gratefully without
expectations spoil.
#haiku #naturehaiku #indiansummer #sunflower #sunflowerphotography #poetrycommunity #singersongwriter
#singersongwriter #poetrycommunity #sunflowerphotography #sunflower #IndianSummer #naturehaiku #haiku
We’re having a bit of an #IndianSummer here right now as we fast approach #Autumn. The temperature has been in the high 20s for a few days along with bright sunshine. It’s due to last several more days yet.
I often used to wonder where the term Indian Summer came from and later found out that it is actually of #NativeAmerican origin and nothing to do with #Indian #Subcontinental climatic conditions.
#IndianSummer #autumn #nativeamerican #indian #Subcontinental