Ich bin zwar nicht persönlich auf der #Gamescom, aber schaue bestimmt mal bei der #IndieArenaBooth vorbei.
Allein schon wegen der Musik von @herrkaschke!
Indie Arena Booth's Gamescom 2023 Lineup Brings the Goodies
45 minutes of handcrafted @IndieArenaBooth Music
Not generated, not buzzworded, just made with💜♥️ love, ⏰time and effort ✊🏼
#hyperpop #chill #lofi #Electronic #dance #vgm #videogamemusic #music #IndieGames #gamedev #game #games #videogames #videogamefair #gamescom #indiearenabooth
#IndieArenaBooth #gamescom #videogamefair #videogames #games #game #gamedev #indiegames #music #videogamemusic #vgm #dance #electronic #lofi #chill #hyperpop
Maybe the #gamedev bubble could spread this #IndieArenaBooth
You're a European games company and would like to level up your game(s) and skills? #GamesMadeInEU have got you covered! You can still sign up for their program including master classes and networking opportunities! More info:
#gamesmadeineu #IndieArenaBooth #gamedev
a full playlist of music i have done for the #IndieArenaBooth at #Gamescom and MAG since 2017
#vgm #videogames #videogamedev #gamedev #videogamemusic #gamemusic #musician #artist #producer
Feel free to Message me if you have any questions
#producer #artist #musician #gamemusic #videogamemusic #gamedev #videogamedev #videogames #vgm #gamescom #IndieArenaBooth
„Asobu“ - a track I have written for a online fair about #Anime, #Manga & #Cosplay called #MAG. The Online Fair itself was hold in a Online Videogame developed by Supercrowd from Germany which also made the #Indiearenabooth
SC https://on.soundcloud.com/4ZBssPg9XYnaXaSv5
SP https://open.spotify.com/track/2d0JwJDO9FzxRJOZTY4Hhw
YT https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=E2K2rCZNwEo
AM https://music.apple.com/de/album/asobu/1540535459?i=1540535465
D https://deezer.page.link/94GanfJEMoRtMudu9
#music #IndieArenaBooth #mag #cosplay #manga #anime
Deezer put my Song „Deixa pra lá“ that I have written as part of the #IndieArenaBooth #Soundtrack at Gamescom 2022 in the Happy Lofi Playlist 💋🦍
Listen to Deixa pra lá in happy lofi: https://www.deezer.com/playlist/8788949122
#music #videogamemusic #indiedev #indiegame #indiemusic #vgm #musicart #videogames #onlinefair #gamescom
#gamescom #onlinefair #videogames #musicart #vgm #indiemusic #IndieGame #indiedev #videogamemusic #music #soundtrack #IndieArenaBooth
I wrote the song "LAV!" in 2000 for the official Indie Arena Booth trailer during Gamescom. At that time my cat Hermelin died and I cried all day, but it was the happiest song I ever wrote. I also ended up animating the cover of my single to get a lyric video. In the end, working on it helped me a lot mentally
Watch the Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzCFnv3Ou34
#vgm #indie #indiedev #indiegames #gamescom #indiearenabooth #hyperpop #chiptune #animatedcover #musicart #guppe #videogamemusic #videogame
#musicart #videogame #videogamemusic #guppe #animatedcover #chiptune #hyperpop #IndieArenaBooth #gamescom #indiegames #indiedev #indie #vgm
I made a Playlist on #AppleMusic containing all the Songs i wrote since 2020 including all Songs and Themes from #IndieArenaBooth and #MAG. Listen to "Everything Herr Kaschke" here https://music.apple.com/de/playlist/everything-herr-kaschke/pl.u-zPyLLlLuy0yBP #music #playlist #spotify #lofihiphp #videogamemusic #videogames #chill #mondaymusic
#mondaymusic #chill #videogames #videogamemusic #lofihiphp #spotify #playlist #music #mag #IndieArenaBooth #applemusic
I made a Playlist on #AppleMusic containing all the Songs i wrote since 2020 including all Songs and Themes from #IndieArenaBooth and #MAG. Listen to "Everything Herr Kaschke" here https://music.apple.com/de/playlist/everything-herr-kaschke/pl.u-zPyLLlLuy0yBP #music #playlist #spotify #lofihiphp #videogamemusic #videogames #chill #mondaymusic
#mondaymusic #chill #videogames #videogamemusic #lofihiphp #spotify #playlist #music #mag #IndieArenaBooth #applemusic
I made a Playlist on #AppleMusic containing all the Songs i wrote since 2020 including all Songs and Themes from #IndieArenaBooth and #MAG. Listen to "Everything Herr Kaschke" here https://music.apple.com/de/playlist/everything-herr-kaschke/pl.u-zPyLLlLuy0yBP #music #playlist #spotify #lofihiphp #videogamemusic #videogames #chill #mondaymusic
#mondaymusic #chill #videogames #videogamemusic #lofihiphp #spotify #playlist #music #mag #IndieArenaBooth #applemusic
Heya humans & unicorns, I made a shorturl that takes you to my "Everything Herr Kaschke" playlist on #AppleMusic
The music is sorted by date and from newest to first release. There are 34 songs, including the trailer music & video game soundtracks for #IndieArenaBooth at #Gamescom.
You are invited to follow my playlist and profile on #AppleMusic.
#lofihiphop #hyperpop #hiphop #alternativehiphop #trap #chiptune
#chiptune #trap #alternativehiphop #hiphop #hyperpop #lofihiphop #gamescom #IndieArenaBooth #applemusic
Hab in diesem Monat 5 Songs released. 💋
🆙That ass up
🐟Dream of the three-eyed fish
🛹Playground Flashback
🎺Wasteland Jazz
🔥🧟🏕️Campfire Song
#videogame #videogamemusic #vgm #indiegame #IndieArenaBooth #gamescom #games #lofi #lofihiphop #chillhop
#chillhop #lofihiphop #lofi #games #gamescom #IndieArenaBooth #IndieGame #vgm #videogamemusic #videogame
Presave the #IndieArenaBooth Soundtrack 2021 💋🦍 and visit the Booth from 25-29th of August & chill with all your friends during #gamescom and try all the games within the Summercamp of Doom