Vous êtes totalement passés à côté du dernier #IndieWorldShowcase de #Nintendo ? Pas de problème, @FrostisAdvance@twitter.com a fait un gros résumé des familles.
RT @cavestorie@twitter.com
Nintendo Indie World Showcase reaction is up! Girly girly videogame hours
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cavestorie/status/1524419088696717312
RT @nintendad@twitter.com
Like high-quality images of inimitable indie games? Of course you do!! Check out this bespoke gallery for some screens and key arts from EVERY game shown off at the recent #IndieWorldShowcase.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nintendad/status/1425730098083373057
#IndieWorldShowcase #IndieWorld