#ImmerWiederSonntags kommt die Erinnerung. Literarische Retro-Empfehlungen zum WE.
Heute mit einer verstörenden Geschichte mit hintergründiger, treibender Kraft über Kinder mit einer "blauen Aura", den #Indigo-Kindern. Eine dringende Leseempfehlung an alle, die Freude an der Beschäftigung mit esoterischen Phänomenen haben. Irgendwo zwischen Grusel & Weltfremdheit 😱
💛 💛 💛 💛 🤍
Indigo, Clemens J. Setz, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2012
#immerwiedersonntags #Indigo #literaturblogkreis #Backflash
Look who we just met!!
What a gorgeous boy… meet beautiful #Indy!
He’s 5 and soooo young at heart ♥️
Me, dad and my boys were in #Bendigo ordering coffee and under the shade of a tree was #Indigo and his owner “sharing” an egg and bacon roll and coffee.
Well Indy was spellbound by the prospect of the occasional bacon morsel. But in reality, I reckon his owner had an egg roll in the end.
Such a gentle soul, loved a scratch behind the ear, constant adoration and nosing my hand ongoing, for more pats!
He had a gentle way about him and such kind eyes that made contact. He definitely communicates loads visually.
I thought his Indigo coloured lead was cute. You could tell he’s a much loved pup, by his owner and his family.
The creator must be a dog lover!
#bendigo #victoria #melbourne #beautiful #puppy #dogsofmastodon #dogs #dog #indi #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy #ruff
#indy #bendigo #Indigo #victoria #melbourne #beautiful #puppy #dogsofmastodon #dogs #dog #indi #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy #ruff
Between Joonie's #Indigo coming out next month and Hozier saying he wants to release his album before the end of the year, I know December will Murder Me 🥺
Stream #Indigo cause its the perfect song to help you all through the anxiety this mess is likely inducing