#ThemeOneProgram • #JetsAndSharks 1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/08/25/theme-one-program-jets-and-sharks-1/
In developing the Theme One Program I tested successive versions of its #InferenceEngine for #PropositionalCalculus #ConstraintSatisfaction on examples of #Logic problems current in the literature of the day. #McClelland & #Rumelhart 's #PDPHandbook set one of the wittiest gems ever to whet one’s app-titude so I could hardly help but take it on. The linked text is a light revision of the way I set it up in the program’s User Guide.
#PDPHandbook #Rumelhart #McClelland #logic #ConstraintSatisfaction #PropositionalCalculus #InferenceEngine #JetsAndSharks #ThemeOneProgram