Today’s culture: morning listening was all #TestMatchSpecial, still the apex of human existence: people talking about test cricket - it has its own wonderful poetry. Afternoon, between calls, #6Music. Podcasts: #TMS, #TheWitchFarm and #InfiniteMonkeyCage on #BabySeaClowns;
Telly: #Trailblazers, #Avenue5 #TinkerTailorSoldierSpy. All good, apart from the latter which is the best of all the telly, IMHO. #Culture
#testmatchspecial #6music #tms #thewitchfarm #InfiniteMonkeyCage #babyseaclowns #TrailBlazers #Avenue5 #tinkertailorsoldierspy #culture
Fascinating #InfiniteMonkeyCage scientific discussion on the Coronavirus pandemic, the incredible work producing the vaccines & around how science played out in real time, but also how we need to be prepared for the next one...
"Brian Cox and Robin Ince wonder what we have learnt from Covid?":
Just listened to the first episode of the new series of #InfiniteMonkeyCage.
As usual Brian Cox, Robin Ince & guests deal with a serious subject in an informative, intelligent and entertaining way.
Indeed, if you want to learn more about why we were so quick to get a Covid vaccine, now science funding doesn't work very well, why anti-vaxxers are wrong on the science and generally to learn more about the science around Covid, then listen to this.