Hello! I'm Yuri. I'm queer(, , , , , , )

Interests: anarchism, nonhuman animals, queer, feminism, neurodiversity, world geography, psychology, sociology, world history,

Likes: bird watching, learning our planet or creature’s life, vegan foods, Reading books, Playing Console Game (Zelda, Kirby)

Hates: Meritocracy, capitalism, patriarchy, fascism, authoritarianism, war. Discrimination and oppression against all social minorities, including nonhuman animals. Gaslighting

Others: I have and always do . I'll always try to learn about and care of them

#Vegan #neurodivergent #Anarchist #hyperphantasia #Infodumping #autistic #enby #transfem #pangender #demigirl #agender #demiromantic #panromantic #ceteroromantic #ace #Introduction

Last updated 1 year ago

M. Wilson Duff · @mwduff
44 followers · 30 posts · Server zirk.us

If you review books and would like to see more ND affirming (Autistic/AuDHD/ADHD coded main character) books for kids, HOW ARE YOU, VERITY? is up on NetGalley and Edelweiss.

#picturebook #kidlit #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #Infodumping #marinelife #socialpragmatics #vampiresquid #Netgalley #edelweiss #arc

Last updated 1 year ago

sauerkrautist · @sauerkrautist
25 followers · 27 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

Attacking cracktivists:
"We Are Legion!"

Autistic InfoSecOp:
"Just a moment please, I need answers to a few questions before I can respond to this extremely vague thread.

When you say Legion, is that Biblical Legion and are you saying that you are in fact demons?

If so, how do you self-identify?
Are you Egypt demons? Mesopotamanian? Judaic? Indian? North American? Christian? Mandaeistic? Gnostic? Agnostic?

One moment please, I have to take this.

My supervisor informs me that Agnostic demons are not a thing. I apologize, and lost my train of thought here.

What are your demonic pronouns? Does your attack vector have intersectional policies that we should be aware of to address your demonic diversity in an appropriate manner?

If not, are you Roman Legion? If so, which period? The Kingdom? The Republic? The Late Republic? The Early Empire? The Late Empire? Is your adaption of Roman military jargon and strategy just postcolonialistic cultural appropriation by young white middle class alpha males or are you able to present any bona fide credentials supporting your case?

And why do we not use an article for Legion?

Hey! Where are you going? I'm not done yet."

#infosec #actuallyautistic #Infodumping #branding

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Flynn 👽 · @tflynn
42 followers · 71 posts · Server zirk.us

If I am in a social setting it is generally a self soothing act in direct response to the social anxiety I'm probably feeling just being in that situation. I'm also aware that I'm doing it, but only in the sense that I'm watching one of my internal systems take over and I'm kind of along for the ride. However, give me a little grace in that moment, let me get out the other side, and I promise I'll stop talking, and you'll have a friend for life. Try it with your favorite !

#Infodumping #autist

Last updated 2 years ago