Guten Morgen zusammen!
#ChatGPT ist auch für die #Philosophie ein interessanter Gesprächspartner!
Ich habe mit ChatGPT (V 3.5) im Rahmen eines #Podcast|s ein Fachgespräch zum #Information|sbegriff geführt.
Ihr könnt euch das Gespräch hier anhören:
Ich freue mich über Feedback!
#chatgpt #philosophie #podcast #Information #digitalitat #digitalisierung #ki #wisskomm
#AppleNews and the wide range of major and other #media outlets it includes means my #Apple+ subscription pays for itself.
It's not perfect, but I get so much #news and #Information I can't afford, and would never get otherwise, that I recommend it to anyone who can afford and access the service.
#Information #News #Apple #Media #applenews
shining a light on the digital dark age: without maintenance, most #digital #information will be lost in just a few decades. 👇💿
Raskin to Comer:
"In light of these concerns, I urge you to pursue a serious and objective investigation..."
Doing a "serious and objective" investigation??
Of *anything*?!
😂 🤣
🤣 😂
Come on, Raskin!
You know they can't do that!
#Raskin asks #Comer to #subpoena #Kushner for #information on firm’s #Saudi ties
#News #USNews #USPol #trump #jared #SaudiArabia #Lies #AndMoreLies
#iamdb #andmorelies #lies #saudiarabia #jared #Trump #USpol #usnews #News #saudi #Information #kushner #subpoena #comer #raskin
Here's an #article I Wrote...
Bastet: Exploring the Egyptian Goddess (#Link Below)
#Write #witch #witchy #witchcraft #Goddess #writing #writingCommunity #reading #how #howto #Explore #nature #pagan #herbalist #life #reading #exploring #info #information #egyptian #bastet #bast
#bast #bastet #egyptian #Information #info #exploring #Life #herbalist #pagan #Nature #explore #howto #how #Reading #writingcommunity #Writing #goddess #witchcraft #witchy #witch #write #link #article
Over at Walking the Wire, I'm looking at #democracy as a complex adaptive system:
#Information #essay #Democracy
Here's an #Article I Wrote...
Working With Dragons in Your Magickal Practice (#LINK Below)
#Write #witch #witchy #witchcraft #Goddess #writing #writingCommunity #reading #how #howto #Explore #nature #pagan #herbalist #life #reading #exploring #info #information #magickal #dragon #dragons #Practice
#practice #dragons #Dragon #magickal #Information #info #exploring #Life #herbalist #pagan #Nature #explore #howto #how #Reading #writingcommunity #Writing #goddess #witchcraft #witchy #witch #write #link #article
wants to be
From Elektric Music's wonderful Esperanto album (1993). The Kraftwerk record you never knew you were missing.
#TBT #karlbartos #kraftwerk #elektricmusic #Information
In Norddeutschland werden zunehmend Frauenärztinnen und -ärzte bedroht, wenn sie #Schwangerschaftsabbrüche durchführen oder auch nur darüber informieren.
Viele Betroffene schweigen darüber und melden solche Vorfälle nicht
#Bedrohung #Rechtsextremismus #Neorechts #Paragraf218 #Transparenz #Information #Gesundheit #Abtreibung #Radikalisierung #Extremismus #RechteGewalt #Religion #Medizin
#medizin #Religion #rechtegewalt #extremismus #radikalisierung #abtreibung #gesundheit #Information #transparenz #Paragraf218 #neorechts #rechtsextremismus #Bedrohung #schwangerschaftsabbruche
#Bundesregierung macht ab sofort Screenshots von Scholz-Tweets (und vom Regierungssprecher), zur Veröffentlichung auf den eigenen Websites
"Damit wolle man Nicht-Twitter-Userinnen das Mitlesen ermöglichen, die händische Aktualisierung der Bildschirmfotos erfolge einmal pro Woche"
#Tweets #Twitter #transparenz #Information #bundesregierung
#Netzsperren in der EU: Warum eine Seite für #Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in #Spanien gesperrt bleibt
#Abtreibung #Selbstbestimmungsrecht #Meinungsfreiheit #Justiz #Internet #Information
#Information #Internet #Justiz #meinungsfreiheit #selbstbestimmungsrecht #abtreibung #Spanien #schwangerschaftsabbruche #netzsperren
The deadline for implementation of the EU Network and Information Systems Security #NIS2 directive is set for 17 October 2024.
Which steps do #NRENs need to follow to implement it and minimise its impact on their organisations?
GÉANT worked with Stratix to produce a report to help NRENs and their stakeholders in the preparation and decision process 👉
#CyberSecurity #NIS2directive #Security #EU #Network #Information #compliance #CyberSec #regulation #EUdirective
#eudirective #regulation #cybersec #compliance #Information #network #EU #Security #nis2directive #CyberSecurity #nrens #NIS2
So, random thought, but maybe reducing the physical mediums is a dangerous act? As in, when we do discover an ancient work it’s typically because there were either lots of physical copies or physical copies were accidentally preserved well and protected from ignorant looters. #Archaeology #Knowledge #Information #History #Archival #Technology #Science
#Science #Technology #archival #History #Information #knowledge #archaeology
#jechercheunjob Chargée mission #urgent
#education #formation #formationcontinue #ftlv #numerique #culture +
#France métropole. Mobile cet été 🙏 fin juillet-début août. Prise de poste avant sept.
Expériences : peu pros, plusieurs extra-pros, persos, bénévoles, formations.
#shs #politique #ue #information #communication #veille #redaction #creation #digitallearning
Pas DE/similaire auprès d'une structure.
CV, docs via
#reboost #repouet #Help #aide #soutien
#soutien #aide #Help #repouet #reboost #digitallearning #creation #redaction #veille #communication #Information #UE #Politique #shs #France #Culture #numerique #ftlv #formationcontinue #formation #Education #urgent #jechercheunjob #Introduction
Here's an #article I wrote...
Exploring the Maya Goddess IxChel (#link Below)
#Write #witch #witchy #witchcraft #mayan #Goddess #writing #writingCommunity #reading #how #howto #Explore #nature #pagan #herbalist #life #reading #exploring #info #information
#Information #info #exploring #Life #herbalist #pagan #Nature #explore #howto #how #Reading #writingcommunity #Writing #goddess #Mayan #witchcraft #witchy #witch #write #link #article
"In the section of the #NHTSA #data specifying the #software version [in use in the #fatal #crashes], Tesla’s incidents read — in all capital letters — 'redacted, may contain #confidential #business #information.'
How —AND WHY— does #Tesla and/or #Musk get away with refusing to #cooperate and not providing #important #safety #data about their involvement with fatal crashes? 🤬
17 #fatalities, 736 #crashes: The shocking toll of Tesla's #Autopilot
#iamdb #autopilot #fatalities #Safety #important #cooperate #Musk #Tesla #Information #business #confidential #crashes #fatal #Software #Data #NHTSA
#TNC23 Closing keynote - Laura Paglione "We have the knowledge & the tools to help digital natives leverage their power 💪
How can we enable digital natives to consider #research as a personal journey of discovery?
Let's work together to ensure #information is disseminated openly, accurately & collaboratively"
Nessuno percepisce l’ #Information Gerrymandering perché #informazione non è sempre quello che pensi tu
Su il #potere #digitale delle opinioni scomode
#Leggere digitale non è #reato
#Reato #leggere #digitale #potere #informazione #Information