Our first content post (into the void?)
This good dog (name unknown) got a studio portrait done by C. W. Van Slyke in Mason, Michigan. Undated. From our Mead Family Collection.
#dogsofmastodon #archives #localhistory #mason #inghamcounty #michigan
#michigan #InghamCounty #mason #LocalHistory #archives #dogsofmastodon
OK here's an #introduction
We are the Forest Parke Library and Archives, the Local History Collections of the Capital Area District Libraries in #Lansing and #InghamCounty, #Michigan, USA.
We are #histodons, we love #publichistory, #archives, #specialcollections, and #libraries. Collection strengths include #househistory, #architecture, #automotivehistory, and #governmentrecords
Nice to meet you!😀
#governmentrecords #automotivehistory #architecture #househistory #libraries #specialcollections #archives #PublicHistory #histodons #michigan #InghamCounty #lansing #introduction