Dnes se narodil #ChristopherNolan a zemřel #IngmarBergman. Ani jeden nenatočil #Barbie . Poznáte, který #Ken je který?
#ken #barbie #IngmarBergman #christophernolan
"The #artist considers his isolation, his subjectivity, his individualism almost holy. Thus we finally gather in one large pen, where we stand and bleat about our loneliness without listening to each other and without realizing that we are #smothering each other to death. The #individualists stare into each other's eyes and yet deny the existence of each other."
#IngmarBergman on artists sounding like a hipster on social media
(I do like this quote though, hehe)
#artist #smothering #individualists #IngmarBergman
#Casablanca on #TCM tonight. Timing was good, so watched the first half, but too tired to finish it. Rest tomorrow.
I think it's been decades since I've watched the whole thing.
It really does hold up.
#IngmarBergman is just such a good actor. Bogey too in his own way, of course.
#casablanca #tcm #IngmarBergman #film
Brilliant performances by Bibi Andersson and Liv Ullman in Persona by #IngmarBergman #bfisightandsound #sightandsound #bfi
#IngmarBergman #bfisightandsound #sightandsound #bfi
On April 5, 2003, Cries and Whispers was screened at the NatFilm Festival. Here’s some Liv Ullmann art!
#CriesAndWhispers #IngmarBergman #LivUllmann #PeriodDrama #SwedishFilm #ArthouseFilm #DramaFilm #70sCinema #FanArt #Art #ArtFilm #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #CultMovies #CultFilm
#criesandwhispers #IngmarBergman #livullmann #perioddrama #swedishfilm #arthousefilm #dramafilm #70scinema #FanArt #art #artfilm #movieart #moviehistory #cultmovies #cultfilm
#GareDuNord - ein kl. Theater der #OperBasel, das sich im Bhf Basel Bad befindet.
"Persona" von #AndaKryeziu, eine Veroperung des gleichnamigen Filmes von #IngmarBergman a.d.J 1966. Ltg. bon der Komponistin selbst, Insz. von #CaterinaCianarini https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona_(1966) Eine gelungene Umsetzung, allerdings zu viel "Sprechtheater", ich wünschte mir eine Oper.
#caterinacianarini #IngmarBergman #andakryeziu #operbasel #garedunord
Sitting out on this Cries and Whispers presentation, but wanted to make some new art for tonight's show! Here’s a new drawing of Ingrid Thulin and Liv Ullmann!
#TCMParty #CriesAndWhispers #IngmarBergman #LivUllmann #ExperimentalFilm #PeriodDrama #FanArt #MovieArt #NewArt #Art #AvantGardeFilm #Movies #Drawing #PenDrawing #FanArt
#TCMParty #criesandwhispers #IngmarBergman #livullmann #experimentalfilm #perioddrama #FanArt #movieart #newart #art #avantgardefilm #movies #drawing #pendrawing
Cries and Whispers (Ingmar Bergman, 1972) #CriesandWhispers #IngmarBergman #TCMParty
#TCMParty #IngmarBergman #criesandwhispers
On March 13, 1981 From the Life of the Marionettes debuted theatrically in London and Finland.
#FromTheLifeOfTheMarionettes #IngmarBergman #ArthouseFilm #WestGermanFilm #AvantGardeFilm #TCMUnderground #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory #Movies
#fromthelifeofthemarionettes #IngmarBergman #arthousefilm #westgermanfilm #avantgardefilm #tcmunderground #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory #movies
Classic Swedish epic - Fanny And Alexander - movie review here - https://wp.me/p2mMDp-6L6
#WorldCinema #film #films #FilmReviews #movie #movies #MovieReviews #review #cinema #cinemastadon #Classic #SwedishCinema #IngmarBergman
#worldcinema #film #films #FilmReviews #movie #movies #moviereviews #review #cinema #cinemastadon #classic #swedishcinema #IngmarBergman
On February 14, 1962 The Seventh Seal debuted in West Germany. Marking the occasion with some original Bengt Ekerot pop art!
#TheSeventhSeal #IngmarBergman #HistoricalFantasy #FantasyFilm #ArthouseFilm #ArtFilm #FanArt #MaxVonSydow #SwedishFilm #MovieArt #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theseventhseal #IngmarBergman #historicalfantasy #fantasyfilm #arthousefilm #artfilm #FanArt #maxvonsydow #swedishfilm #movieart #art #popart #modernart #portrait #moviehistory
Getting into this proper, a year after getting it. Summer Interlude (a rewatch) next up.#IngmarBergman
On January 29, 1960 The Seventh Seal debuted in Denmark. Marking the occasion with some original Max Von Sydow art!
#TheSeventhSeal #IngmarBergman #HistoricalFantasy #FantasyFilm #ArthouseFilm #ArtFilm #FanArt #MaxVonSydow #SwedishFilm #MovieArt #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theseventhseal #IngmarBergman #historicalfantasy #fantasyfilm #arthousefilm #artfilm #FanArt #maxvonsydow #swedishfilm #movieart #art #popart #modernart #portrait #moviehistory
Continuing the Bergman set from Criterion. Not anticipating much from this but I'm following the schedule as presented and it should be interesting so see the subsequent solidification of his themes and approach. #ToJoy #IngmarBergman
lol Ingmar Bergman, from a sharp 1966 Swedish TV interview with Bergman, Bibi Andersson and Liv Ullman included on the blu-ray of Persona and available as a streaming extra at the #CriterionChannel.
#film #movies #IngmarBergman #JamesBond #Antonioni #Persona
#criterionchannel #film #movies #IngmarBergman #jamesbond #antonioni #persona
Took this picture at Visart Video eleven years ago today during my first visit to that fine establishment. Note the sections dedicated to #IngmarBergman and #WernerHerzog. I had just moved to Charlotte, so I felt compelled to investigate its video store.
Took this picture at Visart Video eleven years ago today during my first visit to that fine establishment. Note the sections dedicated to #IngmarBergman and #WernerHerzog. I had just moved to Charlotte, so I felt compelled to investigate its video store.
Grabbed some killer discs yesterday at #CinefileVideo. #JacquesTati #LoneWolfAndCub #HalAshby #Shampoo #IngmarBergman #SawdustAndTinsel
#cinefilevideo #jacquestati #lonewolfandcub #halashby #shampoo #IngmarBergman #sawdustandtinsel