#AllStarTrek I blame the dabo girl!
Mainly so I could post a pic of the dabo girl.😈
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #InsideMan
#InsideMan #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
Spuit 11 hier heeft nu ook eindelijk #InsideMan gezien hoor.
Spannend en heerlijke humor. Die 4 afleveringen met zo'n einde vraagt natuurlijk om een S2...toch?!
Selten eine Miniserie mit einer dermaßen hohen Dichte toller Schauspieler*innen gesehen. Und die geben auch noch alles. #InsideMan #bbc
Projector Room #142 “Severance of Destiny” 13/07/2023
Gareth Myles, Allan Gildea and Ted Salmon are back again with t
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #AlanArkin #BloodGold #CharlesBronson #CornerOffice #DeathWish #DialOfDestiny #film #GarethEdwards #ISeeYou #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesV #indy #InsideMan #LostKing #MissionImpossible #Netflix #outlaws #podcast #SaveTheCinema #Severance #sick #Silo #SoundOfFreedom #TheCreator #tv
#TV #thecreator #SoundOfFreedom #silo #sick #severance #savethecinema #outlaws #Netflix #MissionImpossible #lostking #InsideMan #indy #indianajonesv #indianajones #iseeyou #garethedwards #Film #dialofdestiny #deathwish #corneroffice #charlesbronson #bloodgold #alanarkin #projectorroom #Podcast
I watched the first episode of #InsideMan tonight. Unfortunately, the ‘What if Hannibal Lecter was in an episode of Black Mirror?’ pitch runs through it like a stick of rock.
Watching #InsideMan on #Netflix
It's actually pretty good, David Tennant is, well, David Tennant. I needn't say more.
Just binge watched #InsideMan on #Netflix. Wow. Dark & thought provoking. Stellar cast in an acting masterclass. Gripping transatlantic drama in half a dozen simple locations- guess they spent all their budget on acting talent! (MrsS and I have promised ourselves to watch something light & fluffy tomorrow.)
@SunDancer Checking my watched list, without any particular order
#mrpickles #jonathanstrangeandmrnorrell #sharpobjects #luther #blackmirror #Beforeigners #raydonovan #watchmen #thenewpope #dark #theamericans #criminalgermany #criminalfrance #criminalspain #criminalunitedkingdom #girihaji #happy #Invincible #thedevilshour #ThePeripheral #goodomens #thesandman #theboys #theenglish #finalspace #InsideMan #thelegendofvoxmachina #talesfromtheloop #thegrandtour #clarksonsfarm
"Everyone is a murderer, all it needs is a good reason and a bad day"
-- Inside Man, S01E02
This reminds me of this famous quote from P
"Everyone is a potential murderer-in everyone there arises from time to time the wish to kill-though not the will to kill."
-- Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot
#quote #moviequotes #InsideMan #HerculePoirot
So I watched this #InsideMan miniseries on the #Netflix #TV thing, and I gotta say...
The "anyone is a murderer given the right (wrong) circumstances" theme may be true, but this show didn't convince me of it.
Ben did a BUNCH of entirely messed-up fckwad things to and around Janice on his journey, that I don't think most people would have done at all, let alone feel that they had no choice but to do.
Not really a very good vicar, imho.
#InsideMan on Netflix is IMHO Steven Moffat’s strongest work (having Stanley Tucci doesn’t hurt).
A better modern Sherlock Holmes style mystery than Sherlock and a biting commentary on the moral calculus of Christianity.
It’s also pretty hilarious.
Inside Man ✔️
#InsideMan serien @ilmeundserien https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10948716/
Hab angefangen "Inside Man" zu gucken. Fängt ganz gut an, lässt dann ganz stark nach und mittlerweile frage ich mich nur noch, was David Tennant bitte geritten hat, diese Rolle in dieser Serie mit der wahrscheinlich dämlichsten Story aller Zeiten anzunehmen...? 🫣 #Netflix #InsideMan
It’s a wild coincidence that every time Barclay has a Voyager-related crisis, Deanna is around. Especially since she’s serving on a starship that is exploring the galaxy & he’s stationed near Earth.
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #InsideMan #pathfinder #lifeline
TNG: The Wounded
Intro to the Cardassians!
VOY: Inside Man
Barclay is back!
Or is he??
ENT: Awakening, Part 2
The Vulcan (Kir’Shara) trilogy is not only peak Enterprise, it’s peak Star Trek!
#StarTrek #AllStarTrek
#StarTrekTNG #TheWounded
#StarTrekVOY #InsideMan
#StarTrekENT #Awakening
#spoonheads #imitationbroccoli #llap #startrek #allstartrek #StarTrekTNG #thewounded #startrekvoy #InsideMan #StarTrekENT #awakening
Het is dus geen goed idee om #InsideMan op #netflix te bingewatchen voor het slapen gaan 😱