Was sind Informationen? Was ist Bewusstsein? Was ist Zeit? Was ist fundamental? Wo gibt es Unendlichkeiten? Ja, es wird interessant. Und ich wiederhole mich. Wir sind da an der Stelle, im Film Contact, wo das mit dem glauben und selbst erfahren anfängt.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0omxRx-8S4 "Am Anfang war das Wort?"
#upsidedown #insideout #metaphysik #unrealengine #mandelbrot #philosophie #nobody
#upsidedown #InsideOut #metaphysik #UnrealEngine #mandelbrot #philosophie #nobody
Zusammen könnten wir die Welt auf den Kopf stellen.
#silentsunday #monochome #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite
#photography #RainyNight #AtmostphericRivers #InsideOut #MobilePhotography
#silentsunday #monochome #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #photography #rainynight #atmostphericrivers #InsideOut #mobilephotography
Someone needs to tell the dreams director in my head that 130 plot lines is a bit much for one night. I feel like I just binged 12 seasons in 3 hours. #Dreams #TiredFromSleeping #AtLeastIHaveTodayOff #InsideOut
#dreams #tiredfromsleeping #atleastihavetodayoff #InsideOut
El padre de #InsideOut siempre me ha parecido muy sexy https://www.instagram.com/p/CUrHzSKpuWc/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= #daddy
#Texhnolyze #ErgoProxy #Hellsing #XxxHolic #FullMetalAlchemist #Beastars #HPLovecraft #Portal #MyLittlePony #TerryPratchett #TheDiscworld #Netflix #Disenchantment #FinalSpace #DisneyPlus #Bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #Coco #Ferdinand #Luca #Moana #Zootopia #InsideOut #Brave #WallE #BigHero6 #Onward #CloudBabies #Music #Moby #LostFrequencies #AlleFarben #DaftPunk #EmpireOfTheSun #AltJ #Royksopp #StudioKillers #GeorgeEzra #RobinSchulz #21Pilots #Avicii #MilkyChance #Coldplay #WhoMadeWho #HarryStyles
#texhnolyze #ergoproxy #hellsing #xxxholic #fullmetalalchemist #beastars #hplovecraft #portal #mylittlepony #terrypratchett #thediscworld #netflix #disenchantment #finalspace #disneyplus #bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #coco #ferdinand #luca #moana #zootopia #InsideOut #brave #WallE #bighero6 #onward #cloudbabies #music #moby #LostFrequencies #allefarben #daftpunk #empireofthesun #altJ #royksopp #studiokillers #GeorgeEzra #robinschulz #21pilots #avicii #milkychance #coldplay #whomadewho #harrystyles
#Freedom #Liberty #NoMandates #HealthFreedom
#MyBodyMyChoice #IndividualAutonomy #BodyAutonomy
#TopDown #BottomUp & #InsideOut
#EnoughIsEnough #StopTheMadness
#EndCovidCommunism #WakeUpAmerica
An excerpt from the Amazon description for the Klaus Schwab book #TheGreatReset "History has shown, the book argues, that pandemics are a force for radical and lasting change"-- Mustafa Alrawi, The National (UAE)
#TheGreatReset #wakeupamerica #EndCovidCommunism #StopTheMadness #enoughisenough #InsideOut #BottomUp #TopDown #BodyAutonomy #IndividualAutonomy #mybodymychoice #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #liberty #freedom