We need a federal ban on #InstantRunoff. It is worse for consensus-building than single-vote plurality and would close off adoption of #ProportionalRepresentation. It does not lead to more parties. It probably doesn’t lead to more candidature either, contra to vulgar reading of Duverger. #GASenRunoff
#GASenRunoff #proportionalrepresentation #InstantRunoff
So the candidate who finished second in Oakland’s instant runoff ranked choice voting says that because of the large number of ballots that were exhausted before the ninth round. In my opinion that’s what happens when the candidates are so uninspiring. Would love to hear your thoughts. #oakland #instantrunoff #rankedchoice #oaklandpolitics
#oakland #InstantRunoff #rankedchoice #oaklandpolitics
With old-fashioned plurality voting, Peltola still would have won, but we'd have to wonder who those Begich voters liked as their second choice (and worried about him "spoiling" the race). Now we know.
#InstantRunoff #uspol #alaska #rankedchoicevoting
Good news for #Portland! I know people who have been working on #RankedChoice (#InstantRunoff) voting for decades. It solves the "spoiler problem" by letting you vote for the candidate you like best rather than guessing how everyone else is going to vote and weighing "lesser evil" choices.
#pdx #democracy #voting
QT: https://pdx.social/@portlandmercury/108829429190732629
#rankedchoice #InstantRunoff #pdx #democracy #portland #voting