eLearningChris · @eLearningChris
0 followers · 1 posts · Server twit.social
Ted Curran M. Ed. 🐘 · @tedcurran
219 followers · 440 posts · Server indieweb.social

What’s Different Between the Life of a Classroom Teacher vs. Instructional Designer?

How is the day-to-day life of an Instructional Designer different than that of a K12 classroom teacher?

Many classroom teachers are looking t


#teaching #teacher #InstructionalDesigner #instructionaldesign #elearning #education #classroom #teacherhax #learningdesign #featured #edtech

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Curran M. Ed. 🐘 · @tedcurran
215 followers · 400 posts · Server indieweb.social

As an , I am part and part nerd. The designer part of me collects little utilities to help me do my design work better. One of the essential tools in that toolkit is a . for , I've been very happy with System Color Picker

For Windows, it looks like colorpicker.fr is the best option, though I haven't tested it.

What's your favorite?

#opensource #mac #colorpicker #pedagogy #designer #InstructionalDesigner

Last updated 2 years ago

Bela Gaytan, M.Ed. · @belagaytan
34 followers · 28 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I suppose I should post a more formal bio/#intro! I'm Bela (she/her). I'm a , , in . I am a technical , & social media manager, , , , and speaker.

A few fun facts: I have lots of , am mostly , have 2 , 2 kiddos, am obsessed with , and amazing , and love to . I'm also an open book and welcome questions and discussions on all topics.

In terms of my personality, it's said that I bring the . I'm short but mighty with my mouth and actions. I'll jump to speak out on inequities and atrocities. I'm not shy to make enemies by calling folks out. I'll jump in to help folks out without hesitation. I'm all about and connecting folks whenever possible.

Be a cool human and we'll be friends. Much love, fam. ❤

Image description: Bela is a light-skinned Latina with short, metallic blue, curly hair and blue-green eyes. She is sitting in a small garden at her Airbnb in San Diego. She is surrounded by plants, flowers, and fresh air, bringing her calm.

#disabled #queer #neurodivergent #latina #tech #InstructionalDesigner #Community #webdev #a11y #coach #tattoos #Vegan #cats #plants #foodie #cook #travel #BigBelaEnergy #communitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Bela · @belagaytan
3 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I suppose I should post a more formal bio/intro! I'm Bela (she/her). I'm a , , in . I am a technical , & social media manager, , , , and speaker.

A few fun facts: I have lots of , am mostly , have 2 , 2 kiddos, am obsessed with , and amazing , and love to . I'm also an open book and welcome questions and discussions on all topics.

In terms of my personality, it's said that I bring the . I'm short but mighty with my mouth and actions. I'll jump to speak out on inequities and atrocities. I'm not shy to make enemies by calling folks out. I'll jump in to help folks out without hesitation. I'm all about and connecting folks whenever possible.

Be a cool human and we'll be friends. Much love, fam. ❤

Image description: Bela is a light-skinned Latina with short, metallic blue, curly hair and blue-green eyes. She is sitting in a small garden at her Airbnb in San Diego. She is surrounded by plants, flowers, and fresh air, bringing her calm.

#disabled #queer #neurodivergent #latina #tech #InstructionalDesigner #Community #webdev #a11y #coach #tattoos #Vegan #cats #plants #foodie #cook #travel #BigBelaEnergy #communitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Roger Segú · @rogersegu
7 followers · 2 posts · Server openedtech.social

Hi everyone 👋 Here's my :

I'm Roger, a freelance designer and developer from Barcelona. I specialise in learning environments, meaning I create themes, plugins, courses and websites for learning institutions and learning-focused organisations in general. I'm also an .

My LMS of choice is , and my favourite CMS is .

I recently presented the project at : componentsforlearning.org

#Introduction #ux #frontend #InstructionalDesigner #moodle #wordpress #componentsforlearning #openlearning #MootGlobal22

Last updated 2 years ago

Ryan P. Randall · @ryanrandall
118 followers · 156 posts · Server hcommons.social

This here Fediverse has my mind thinking about conjunctural analyses. So here's my narrative careen, with hastags.

I went to for a BA & MA in English. There my fellow students & instructors showed me how a influenced rhet-comp can be liberatory (+ why it's necessary but insufficient).

From there, I went to a VCS program in Upstate NY. After pursuing more & I received an MA (implied cluster of footnotes here), adjuncted a bit, then went on to .

From 2015 to 2022 I was a , mostly focused on instruction with critical & more general approaches, along with & . I also started a part-time PhD program in English & the Teaching of English.

Now I'm an at ISU. I'm trying to weave in & / systems thinking, plus working on my diss project on informatics/info systems in post-1945 US novels & media.

#mediastudies #a11y #InstructionalDesigner #oer #openaccess #critlib #infolit #librarian #CommunityCollege #librarianship #criticaltheory #soundstudies #pedagogy #culturalstudies #ucriverside

Last updated 2 years ago

Carla G-S @ worldkey.io · @RadioCarla
49 followers · 134 posts · Server worldkey.io

Excited to be volunteering for (and attending) my first EXLEARN hosted by TiER1 Performance Institute.

#instructionaldesign #InstructionalDesigner #TiER1Performance

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Elias · @woodsfern
54 followers · 38 posts · Server glammr.us

Intro: I'm an , union organizer & . My home state is NJ, and I now live in MI. I'm Lebanese/Irish, Bi/Queer, and . Hoping to build a network here across interests, backgrounds & identities (what I admittedly love about ). My dream job = storm chaser, so talk to me about and ! General interests:

#mutualaid #gardening #comedy #cats #neurodiversity #HealthEquity #antiracism #lgbtq #digitalaccessibility #ReproductiveJustice #politics #science #weather #twitter #adhd #LibraryWorker #InstructionalDesigner

Last updated 2 years ago

OpenBiblioJobs · @obj
276 followers · 11257 posts · Server openbiblio.social

Bibliothekar (m/w/d) für E-Learning-Content oder Instructional Designer (m/w/d) Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Vallendar (PTHV gGmbH) | Bewerbungsfrist: 04.01.2022 pthv.de/fileadmin/user_upload/ | jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenange

#bibliothekar #InstructionalDesigner #openbibliojobs

Last updated 3 years ago