Ars Technica: Review: AMD’s Radeon RX 7700 XT and 7800 XT are almost great #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #nvidiageforce #GraphicsCard #amdradeon #Features #gadgetol #IntelArc #Gaming #NVIDIA #Intel #Tech #AMD #GPU
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #NVIDIAGeForce #GraphicsCard #amdradeon #features #gadgetol #IntelArc #Gaming #nvidia #intel #amd #gpu
Ars Technica: Do Intel’s new graphics drivers actually overclock its low-end GPUs? #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #graphicscards #intelarca380 #intelarca750 #intelarca770 #IntelArc #Gaming #Intel #Tech #GPUs
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #graphicscards #intelarca380 #intelarca750 #intelarca770 #IntelArc #Gaming #intel #gpus
Ars Technica: New Intel GPU drivers help address one of Arc’s biggest remaining weak points #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #intelarca750 #intelarca770 #intelarcgpu #IntelArc #arca770 #GeForce #Gaming #NVIDIA #Tech #GPUs
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #intelarca750 #intelarca770 #intelarcgpu #IntelArc #arca770 #geforce #Gaming #nvidia #gpus
TechSpot: Intel is now installing a telemetry data sniffer with its graphics drivers
Ars Technica: Getting AAA games working in Linux sometimes requires concealing your GPU #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #LinuxGaming #IntelArc #Gaming #proton #Intel #Linux #GPUs #xess
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #LinuxGaming #IntelArc #Gaming #proton #intel #Linux #gpus #xess
Intel has added two new laptop GPUs to its Arc Alchemist graphics family. The Arc A530M and A570M are designed for mid-range gaming laptops and feature ACM-G12 architecture. #Intel #IntelArc #GPU #graphics
#intel #IntelArc #gpu #graphics
Just took the plunge and installed an a770 into my main rig. First impressions are positive. #IntelArc #linuxgaming #archlinux
#IntelArc #linuxgaming #archlinux
殊不知 #1050ti 都跑得動的
AstraLex 光影包
Arc A750 居然會爆掉...
(圖上的是 SEUS 的光影
顯卡太新也錯了嗎 QAQQQQ
#Minecraft #Vtuber #Taiwan #ASMR #IntelArc #A750 #AstraLexShaders
#1050ti #minecraft #vtuber #taiwan #asmr #IntelArc #a750 #astralexshaders
@brektyme seems messy. I’m looking at this Asrock motherboard for a #homelab white box build
This language suggests the Pro line is the only one that gives you both ECC and on-board graphics:
“For AMD Ryzen Desktop Processors with Radeon Graphics, ECC support is only with Processors with PRO technologies.”
I can do discrete graphics (probably #IntelArc because I’m contrary like that) but onboard is a nice option to have.
Intel Arc A750 review: Intel’s cheap graphics card comes good - #GraphicsCards #WotIThink #Hardware #IntelArc #Intel
#intel #IntelArc #hardware #wotithink #graphicscards
I would like to add that, #IntelArc GPUs will be supported by upcoming release of #XeroLinux but a limited capacity as better drivers are baked into Kernel (6.2/6.3) as for #nVidia 40 Series, we still wait for full support in later driver versions. Also limited as it stands. #Linux
#IntelArc #xerolinux #nvidia #linux
Arc Beta: Intel optimiert als erster für Hogwarts Legacy #Intel #IntelArc
Ars Technica: Intel cuts Arc A750 GPU’s price while boasting about driver optimizations #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Gaming&Culture #IntelArc #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #Gaming #IntelArc
01 Net: Intel Arc : des drivers remaniés pour des GPU qui ne cessent de s’améliorer #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #PCetpériphériques #IntelARC
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #pcetperipheriques #IntelArc
Having the cash for high-end desktop components doesn't mean you have to buy them. Our tech editor is building his new rig as a mid-range PC with parts from a promising underdog.
#IntelARC #AMDRyzen
Intel Arc Release Notes nennen zwei Bugfixes und 21 offene Fehler #Intel #IntelArc
01 Net: ARC : Intel laisse fuiter sa feuille de route de puces graphiques, qui va monter en gamme #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #processeurgrampique #IntelARC #Technos #gaming #Intel #GPU
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #processeurgrampique #IntelArc #Technos #Gaming #intel #gpu
Chvíli jsem se tu neukázal a jediným důvodem byla instalace grafiky od Intelu. Teď už mám docela stabilní systém, ale už jsem to chtěl vzdát, grafiku hodit do šuplíku a počkat na distribuce, které vyjdou na jaře. Nakonec byl postup docela jednoduchý: nainstalovat Fedoru 37 a použít Rawhide kernel ( Celé se to zkomplikovalo nekompatibilitou souborového systému Btrfs s tímto řešením. Než jsem na to přišel, tak jsem zbytečně koupil nový NVMe disk 🙂 #Linux #Fedora #IntelArc
Pocas veces he visto a nivel de productos un linchamiento tan brutal como el padecido por las gráficas dedicadas de #Intel.
Vale, sí, yo también soy muy crítico, pero joder, que EL PROBLEMA ESTÁ EN EL SOFTWARE, y si está en el software, tiene muchísimas posibilidades de ser arreglado. Por otro lado, las gráficas #IntelArc han cumplido en cuanto a hardware y tecnologías.
En serio, fanboys de #NVIDIA y haters, parad ya, que necesitamos competencia.